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A College Plastic Wrap Compilation
Abolish Conception - Your Faith is Nothing
Absurd Fellas - Blue Skin Rebelion
Betals - I Wanna
Destroy Reaction - Fill and Feel
Everly - Would You Marry Me
Jack Jones - Wanita Sialan
Koyomono - Zero To Threehundred
Mariken On Controller - Suicide Notes
Motoric Mathematics - Do You Know
One Shoot One Kill - Out of My Mine
Padespop - First
Shares Spring - Ceiling Blossom
The Feel's Good - We Got So Fun
Tinker Bell - Decide
Adhitia Sofyan - Quiet Down
Free Download at:
Track List:
01. Adelaide Sky
02. Memilihmu
03. Blue Sky Collapse
04. Invisible
05. Greatest Cure
06. In To You
07. Reality
08. Deadly Storm Lightning Thunder
09. WYL
10. City of Flowers
11. Number One
Track List:
1. Agrikulture - Penyusup Pesta
2. Agrikulture - Kompor Meledug
3. Agrikulture - Electrify
4. Agrikulture - Underground Trash
5. Agrikulture - New Day
6. Agrikulture - Get Away
7. Agrikulture - Gosip
8. Agrikulture - Industrial Fire
9. Agrikulture - Dawai Damai (Belum Kelar...)
10. Agrikulture - La-La-La
11. Agrikulture - The Last Chrorus Of Lullaby, Rhymes
12. Agrikulture - Mana Gitarku
13. Agrikulture - Gosip (Instrumental Mix)
14. Agrikulture - Disko Di Rumah (Remix)
Aksi dan Reaksi - Kamuflase Semu Tanpa Jeda
Track List:
1. Redeverbot!
2. Kamuflase Semu Tanpa Jeda
3. Apatis
4. Strange Decision
5. Parallel Synchronized Randomness
Alone At Last - Jiwa (2008)
01 - Alone at Last - Intro (A Letter to Mars)
02 - Alone at Last - Backhome
03 - Alone at Last - Muak Untuk Memuja
04 - Alone at Last - Dear Love
05 - Alone at Last - S.H.M.I.L.Y.
06 - Alone at Last - Gadis Kecil Berbisa
07 - Alone at Last - Taman
08 - Alone at Last - Jiwa
09 - Alone at Last - Hold That Rope
10 - Alone at Last - I Fight All This Tears
11 - Alone at Last - Sekali Bernyawa
12 - Alone at Last - Road to E.P.
13 - Alone at Last - Me, Peace and War
Amazing in Bed
Track List:
01 - Riot Girl.
02 - Huru Hara.
03 - Hedonism Clanirism.
04 – Dance.
05 - Video Game.
06 - Sit All Day.
07 - Jakarta (Lovely City).
08 - My Kick Ass Lover.
09 - The Day You Cheated.
10 – Romansick.
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Track List:
1. abortus
2. ceria
3. maya
4. mencari(retake)
5. merah muda
6. surga waktu
7. tersesat
8. tidur
(*.untuk mengextract kalian harus ubah dulu file extentionnya jadi rar)
Wait.. wait.. wait.. kayaknya kelamaan kalo gw susun satu persatu nama band2 indie yg mau gw simpen link Downloadnya di Blog ini.. Kayaknya, mau gw taruh berdasarkan nama dan url'nya aja dech. Untuk mempersingkat waktu.. Lama bener klo gini teruss.. Hhahaha..

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Ansaphone - Morning Light Recover (EP)
Track List :
1. Low
2. Hello Stranger
3. Raindrop
4. Morning Light Recover
5. Sinking
Anti Squad
Ape On The Roof
Armada Racun
Track List:
1. Amerika
2. Boys Kiss Boys
3. Drakula
4. I'm Small
5. Mati Gaya
6. Sad People Dance
7. Train Song
8. Tuan Rumah Tanpa Tanah