Data center and information about Adioetomo, someone who will change the world by being a King of Pirates!!!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Salah ya..?

"Can u know who am I..? I want to se ur eyes, I want to hold ur hand, I want to hug u beybi, I wanna be widd u.." Dan terus gw dibilang sakit jiwa, salah ya..? When ur cry, and when ur alone at night.. *sigh, ganti playlist aja deh, #nowplaying The Clash - Spanish Bombs
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Sendirian, tenang aja.. Yang ngisi pasti dateng kok, cuma lagi ngumpet aja. Blon berani muncul.
Lights guide you through the emptiness
There’s something you could find in the dark
The beat that you can feel inside,
and it won’t make you sad, you will know
Don’t worry for being alone, cause you’ll find a good one
Pada dasarnya manusia diciptakan saling berpasangan, karena dengan berpasangan, keduanya akan saling melengkapi atau saling menambahkan kelebihan masing-masing dan saling menutupi kelemahan masing-masing, yang biasa kita sebut bersinergi.
Namun.. ada kalanya kita tidak memiliki seseorang. Dan.. sebagian orang menamakan fase tersebut adalah kesendirian. Meskipun adakalanya kita memerlukan kesendirian dalam hidup kita, namun bagi orang kebanyakan, kesendirian yang berkepanjangan merupakan kondisi yang tidak diinginkan. Efek rasa sepi yang mendalam, berujung pada kesedihan dan kegalauan lah yang biasanya membuat kesendirian tidak diinginkan. Sehingga seakan-akan terbentuk ruang yang kosong dan gelap di dalam hati kita, dan saat kita berada didalamnya, seakan sulit sekali menemukan sesuatu (seseorang) yang kita inginkan.
Don’t worry for being alone… kita masih memiliki orang-orang yang mencintai kita meskipun mereka bukan pasangan kita. Bila yang dibutuhkan adalah cahaya untuk menerangi ruang kosong dan gelap di dalam hati kita, bukankah kita masih mempunyai orang tua, saudara dan sahabat sejati atau minimal salah satunya yang selalu siap untuk menemani dan memberikan cahaya itu?
Don’t worry (for) being alone.. karena kita percaya Tuhan, dan Tuhan pasti akan memberikan yang terbaik untuk umatnya. Bukankah Tuhan selalu tahu apa yang terbaik untuk kita? Meskipun kita sendiri sering merasa bahwa yang kita dapatkan bukanlah yang terbaik. Bukankah yang terbaik menurut versi manusia tidak selalu terbaik menurut Tuhan? Hal itu karena Tuhan pasti mempunyai rencana lain yang lebih baik lagi untuk kita. Jadi, meskipun kita merasa sendiri, tapi untuk saat ini, kondisi itulah yang terbaik untuk kita menurut Tuhan. Terima dan nikmatilah kondisi itu dan percayalah kelak pasti ada hikmah yang lebih besar dibalik itu semua. Dan selama kita selalu berusaha menjadi orang yang tepat kelak akan mendapatkan orang yang tepat.
Don’t Worry For Being Alone.., sebuah alunan lagu dari kami, semoga dapat menemani kesendirian dan menjadi “the beat that you can feel inside that won’t make you sad..”
The Bird and The Bee & The Trees and The Wild (similar name? it just a name)
The Bird and The Bee
The Bird and The Bee is an indie/Synthpop/alternative musical duo from Los Angeles, consisting of musicians Inara George ("the bird") and Greg Kurstin ("the bee"). Kurstin, a producer and keyboardist who has worked with Lily Allen, Sophie Ellis-Bextor, Beck, Barenaked Ladies, The Flaming Lips, Britney Spears, Kylie Minogue and Red Hot Chili Peppers, is also a member of the band Geggy Tah. George and Kurstin met while the two were working on her debut album and they decided to collaborate on a jazz-influenced electro pop project. Their debut EP, Again and Again and Again and Again, was released in October 2006 and their debut album was released on January 23, 2007, on Blue Note Records.
The Trees and The Wild
The Trees and The Wild might still unfamiliar in the ear of some of you guys. The band was just starting. Friendships formed from personnel from each school. Andra and Remedy friends since high school and never made an acoustic project together while in college. While the Iga is a friend Andra in a blues band, Enterprising John who was also his friend since junior high. In 2006 they began trying to write some songs. Some works finally created. From there the journey of The Trees and The Wild begins. They offer a simple acoustic music composition and memanja ear. Easily digestible and quite minimalist.
Honeymoon on Ice is the first single from their being introduced to the public and get a good appreciation of one of the young radio capital. The song was inspired by a film by Michel Gondry's "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind."
Lebaran Anak Yatim itu 10 Muharram ?
Ada kesan lain yang patut disoroti dari perayaan tahun baru anak yatim. Na’am kta diwajibkan untuk memuliakan anak yatim, menanggung kehidupannya, menyayanginya, dan segala amal kebaikan yang menyenangi anak Yatim maka ia akan mendapatkan ganjaran seperti dalam hadist sebagaimana yang diriwayatkan oleh Al Imam Bukhari dari jalan Abu Hurairah, dimana Rasulullah shalallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam mengatakan: “ Orang yang menanggung anak yatim baik anak yatim itu ada hubungan famili maupun tidak, maka saya dan orang yang menanggungnya seperti dua jari ini di dalam surga.”, Malik bin Anas perawi hadist itu mengatakan, beliau shalallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam memberi isyarat dengan jari telunjuk dan jari tengah. Terhadap anak yatim pula kita sebagai muslim dilarang menghardiknya (QS. Adh Dhuha (93) : 9), dan dalil-dalil lainnya yang memiliki kaitannya dengan muamalah terhadap anak yatim.
Adapun fenomena yang terjadi saat ini adalah sangat disangsikan dan sungguh sangat jauh dari apa yang disyari’atkan dalam islam. Dimana para kaum muslimin kebanyakan mengadakan acara lebaran anak yatim dengan membedakannya terhadap lebaran kaum muslimin pada umumnya. Hal ini pada hakikatnya adalah merendahkan anak yatim dan memberikan pembedaan kepada anak yatim dan seakan anak yatim bukanlah bagian dari kaum muslimin pada umumnya sehingga mesti dibuatkan lebaran sendiri
Dengan demikian, jelaslah apa yang dikatakan oleh sebagian orang kaum muslimin yang belum memiliki pemahaman yang sempurna dan hanya taklid kepada para ustadzahnya, bahwa hakikatnya lebaran anak yatim adalah dilakukan untuk memuliakan anak yatim dilakukan pada tanggal yang telah ditentukan, maka pada hakikatnya hal itu adalah sebuah perendahan dan penghinaan kepada anak yatim dengan memberikan pembedaan lebaran anak yatim dengan lebaran kaum muslimin pada umumnya. Maka sudah selayaknyalah bagi kita bila ingin benar-benar menyantuni anak yatim hendaklah dilakukan dengan tidak ditentukan waktunya, di undang pejabat-pejabat desa, dibuatkan tenda layaknya sebuah bazar, di nyanyikannya shalawat-shalawat yang tak pernah diajarkan, dan sederetan acara seremonial lainnya. Melainkan santunilah dan sayangilah anak yatim pada waktu apapun disaat kita memiliki kelebihan rezeki dan berniat ikhlas karena Alloh ta’ala juga sesuai dengan sunnah Rasululloh shalallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam.
Wallahu ‘alam bi showwab
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
The Rains, beetwen The Milo to Destroyer emotion
1. The Milo - Don't Worry For Being Alone
Hope tonight rain will falls. After a day of very hot weather, queuing to get tickets on the day of a football match between Indonesia next week against the Philippines, I hope the rain come down heavy. Let the people who take the heat and the heat will subside grumpy people will subside his anger. A few days earlier, I saw a lot of people feel distress out there. Disasters come and go create a temptation for people who can accept it. That's life, the human itself consists of emotions, flesh and soul. If they are physically threatened, they will damage their brain so subversive act. If that is done then the meat/bodies will feel hurt. So what can cure it..? Music .. yes .. for me the music can at least to recovery my soul, in order not to spend a wasted emotion.
Learning from life itself would later add to the experience in your life. New experiences about the things that baffle the eye and you will not forget for your lifetime. That's ... life, according to my definition. Well, time to sleep. Hope tonight will doing fine.
Konfirmasi, No Offense!!
Oke, saya sebelumnya mau ngucapin maaf yg sebesar2nya buat kawan2 dr PadesPop khususnya: Dewi, Rozy, Sankut dan Caca kalo postingan di blog2 saya membuat anda2 semua merasa tidak nyaman. Pertama saya ucapkan terimakasih buat cacacolazero yg udah mampir ke blogspot saya dan membaca blog gudang saya. Buat Sankut yang sudah tertawa membaca blog saya, saya ucapkan terimakasih. Buat Dewi, maaf bukan maksud saya melecehkan anda atau membuat anda terlihat lucu di blog saya, karena saya buat blog ini cuma semata2 buat "kliping" semata, kalau nanti saya sudah tua dan ada yang bisa saya flashback dr kehidupan saya muda dlu (hayah). O iya, buat Rozy, maaf sebelumnya kalo saya membuat malu anda sebagai sesama alumni 8 bekasi. Saya memang tau kalo beberapa teman dr PadesPop adalah alumni 8. Karena itu saya tau band ini pula.
Mungkin anda bisa bilang saya freak, kurang kerjaan, gak penting, dll terserah.. Yang jelas saya gakda maksud jahat atau menjelek2an orang lain. Jika memang anda merasa keberatan dengan hal2 yg saya posting di blog2 saya, nanti saya usahakan utk menghapusnya. Dan akhir kata, MAAF.. Terimakasih sudah mampir..
NB: FYI buat Rozy dan Yosi yang angkatan lulus 2005, nama saya Dwi dan saya alumni angkatan lulus 2002 dan kebetulan juga sebagai Ketua Alumni SMAN 8 Bekasi. Regards
Perasaan gw gak enak, keknya ada yg ngomongin gw nih.. Awas ye ketauan.. *jewer
Beberapa menit lalu perasaan gw kek ada yg ngomongin aja dari tadi, aneh?? Ini cuma perasaan gw apa insting dunia maya gw aja ya?? Aneh?? Daripada bingung mending mandangin foto ini aja deh..
Duuh, jadi pengen nyubit2 pipinya deh.. kek bakpao gtu, Baim mah lewat deh..
(NB: Buat cowonya Dewi, maaf ya mas saya cuma ngayal pengen cubit pipi doang, gak yg laen, suer deh.. Piss)
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Indonesia goes to Semi Final AFF Suzuki Cup..
Senayan, place held the match between Indonesia VS Thailand are very strategic place, the distance from my place (bekasi city) just a hour. There so many peoples wear a red cloths, I buy one. Well, enjoy the pictures..
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Indonesia 5-1 Malaysia
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Me meet Ginyu @unj

On Sunday, 21Nov'2010 after I've got test. My high school friend, Try, had invited me to come, he tells me that in UNJ there is lend a showcase of Japanesse culture from UNJ. There's many a things from Japans, foods, drinks, toys, cloths and even Cosplay.
Ginyu, this character from Dragon Ball Z anime. Purple and silly pose he does, but I've got any idea to pose with him. Gosh, his so adorable..
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Friday, November 19, 2010
Candidates for civil service tests
Tomorrow, at sunday, I will follow the test to become official "statistics central agency" in Jakarta. After passing the administration selection, I can take the test. Analysis of staffing is the position I want to accomplish. Because of a psychology graduate with a GPA of 2.5 for me is very difficult to find jobs that match with my diploma. Indeed, the work can be anything. But my parents especially my mother, wanted me to work in accordance with my diploma. Very hard to resist my parents saying that. But what could I do, in jakarta is very difficult to find a job. Although is very difficult with the given conditions.
In the end, I can only try. Attempted to undergo these tests seriously. Although I already know the end result. System in this country are very dilapidated with the culture of corruption, collusion and nepotism which is very thick. What to expect..? Benefits of Sleep perforated only dream.. yahhh, fate.. When my friend said, "dreams do not altitude wi.." sigh.. Maybe he's right..
Friday, October 29, 2010
New Breed..

An old school pictures, my friend Bob who find this. Many story came from that pict. A many2 story. If I can positively judge some relationship, I'll take the answer is NO, HELL NO..!!
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Tuesday, September 28, 2010
12 Trends to Watch in 2010
It's the dawn of a new year. From our perch on the frontier of electronic civil liberties, EFF has collected a list of a dozen important trends in law, technology and business that we think will play a significant role in shaping online rights in 2010.
In December, we'll revisit this post and see how it all worked out.
1. Attacks on Cryptography: New Avenues for Intercepting Communications
In 2010, several problems with cryptography implementations should come to the fore, showing that even encrypted communications aren't as safe as users expect. Two of the most significant problems we expect concern cellphone security and web browser security.
GSM, the technology that underpins most cellphone communications around the world, uses a deeply flawed security technology. In 2010, devices which intercept phone calls will get cheaper and cheaper. Expect to see public demonstrations of the ability to break GSM's encryption and intercept mobile phone calls. We hope that this will prompt the mobile phone industry to replace its obsolete systems with modern and easy-to-use cryptography.
SSL (in its newer versions known as TLS), the basic security technology of the world wide web, is exhibiting similarly severe flaws. Several powerful practical attacks against real-world SSL implementations were published in 2009; more problems and concerns will emerge throughout 2010. SSL security must be improved.
Despite flaws in how SSL is used, it's still the best system for web security around, and so it also needs to become more widely deployed. Google set a fantastic example this week when it set GMail to use SSL by default — in 2010 we hope to see other online service providers follow its example.
2. Books and Newspapers: .TXT is the new .MP3
Since 2000, the music industry has most spectacularly flailed (and failed) to combat the Net's effect on its business model. Their plans to sue, lock-up and lobby their way out of their problem did nothing to turn the clock back, but did cause serious damage to free speech, innovation and fair use.
These days, the book and newspaper industries are similarly mourning the Internet's effect on their bottom line. In 2009, Rupert Murdoch changed the tone of the debate when he called those who made fair use of his papers' content "thieves". We think 2010 and beyond will see others in the print world attempt to force that view, and break the fair use doctrine by lobbying to change accepted copyright law, challenging it in the courts, or by placing other pressures on intermediaries.
A cluster of similar battles around user control are also gathering around e-reader products like Kindle and Google Book Search, many of which rewrite the rules for book ownership and privacy wholesale.
So, in 2010, will the printed word step smartly into the digital future, or will it continue to stay stuck in the denial and bargaining phase that dominated digital music's lost decade?
3. Global Internet Censorship: The Battle for Legitimacy
For years, the obvious benefits of an uncensored Internet have kept advocates of Net blocking on the defensive. But new filtering initiatives in Australia and Europe combined with growing rhetoric around child protection, cybersecurity and IP enforcement means that blocking websites isn't just for authoritarian regimes any more.
That's not to say tyrants aren't paying close attention to the West's new censors. When democratic governments complain about Iran and China's net policing in 2010, expect defenses of "we're only doing what everyone else does".
2010 will see the publication of Access Controlled, a new book from the OpenNet Initiative chronicling the globalization of Internet censorship; we're excited to see it but concerned about the ways restrictions in different countries reinforce each other.
4. Hardware Hacking: Opening Closed Platforms and Devices
An increasingly active hobbyist community is figuring out how to make a range of devices more useful and open. They are learning how to install new software or make third-party parts, devices, and services work with proprietary high-tech products like video game consoles, printers, portable audio players, home entertainment devices, e-book readers, mobile phones, digital cameras, and even programmable calculators. And, oh yes, contending with restrictions on both cars and garage doors.
Frequently, indignant manufacturers are threatening these tinkerers with legal troubles. Often, these threats are legally baseless — but this hasn't stopped manufacturers from bullying hobbyists into keeping quiet about their innovations.
It confirms the prediction that EFF board member Ed Felten made in 2006: that the rationale offered for "Digital Rights Management" was shifting away from hard-to-defend claims that DRM could stop copyright infringement, and toward uses of DRM to control the functionality of objects in general (often in ways only tenuously connected to copying anything).
In 2009, EFF asked the Copyright Office to protect hobbyists who unlock and jailbreak their smartphones, and we stood up for developers who figured out how to load new operating systems onto TI programmable calculators. EFF's panel of judges also chose to honor Limor Fried of Adafruit Industries with a Pioneer Award in part to encourage the hardware hacking community to continue their good work.
In 2010, phone jailbreaking will become even more mainstream, and the concept will be routinely applied to other sorts of devices. EFF's Coders Rights Project will have no shortage of work to do defending users and developers who want to make their hardware do more than it was designed for.
5. Location Privacy: Tracking Beacons in Your Pocket
It's easier and cheaper than ever for computers to keep track of where you are: there are so many more potential sources of information about your whereabouts, and so many reasons it might be useful or interesting to you, your friends, your boss, or the government.
EFF has fought for location privacy rights, including checks on the government's ability to use your cell phone to find you and to access the information that social networks, mobile operators, and transportation systems collect about where you are and where you travel.
In 2010, awareness of location privacy as an issue will enter the mainstream in the U.S. as a critical mass of end users voluntarily adopt technologies that use or share their physical location — and start to wonder who has access to this information. Many more courts will grapple with these questions this year, building upon the important 2009 decisions in the Connolly case in Massachusetts and the Weaver case in New York. EFF is awaiting the decision in U.S. v. Jones in the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, where we asked a court to limit law enforcement use of these devices.
6. Net Neutrality: The Rubber Hits The Road
Anyone who watched John Hodgman's famous Daily Show rant knows what Net Neutrality means as an abstract idea. But what will it mean when it makes the transformation from idealistic principle into real-world regulations? 2010 will be the year we start to find out, as the FCC attempts to implement the plan it adopts after its 107-page request for input about how to ensure a neutral Net.
But how far can the FCC be trusted? Historically, the FCC has sometimes shown more concern for the demands of corporate lobbyists and "public decency" advocates than it has for individual civil liberties. Consider the FCC's efforts to protect Americans from "dirty words" in FCC v. Pacifica Foundation, or its much-criticized deregulation of the media industry, or its narrowly-thwarted attempt to cripple video innovation with the Broadcast Flag.
With the FCC already promising exceptions from net neutrality for copyright-enforcement, we fear that 2010 could be the year when the FCC's idea of an "Open Internet" proves quite different from what many have been hoping for.
7. Online Video: Who Controls Your TV?
Like the print business, the television business is being radically disrupted by the Internet. The disparate and powerful industries affected — telco, cable, satellite, ISP, software, and production — are engaged in a battle for dominance. But as big business dukes it out, consumer rights risk being left behind.
Two especially bad initiatives to keep an eye on this year: TV Everywhere is a new DRM-laden attempt by the mainstream television industry to trip up innovative upstarts like Boxee. Another scheme, Selectable Output Control, is Hollywood's latest effort to start driving analog interfaces into extinction in favor of DRM-restricted digital interfaces — meaning that Hollywood would decide what you can record on your DVR, rather than you.
In 2010, expect industry to advance those initiatives, as well as to introduce new and similarly problematic schemes along the same lines. EFF, as usual, will be there to try to stop them.
8. Congress: Postponed Bad Legislation Returns
In retrospect, 2009 wasn't disastrous for online civil liberties in federal technology law. With Washington entirely distracted by health care reform, a lot of the most problematic proposed federal technology legislation was delayed, postponed or temporarily forgotten.
In 2010, we may not be so lucky. Key provisions of the Patriot Act, having recently been granted a three-month extension, are up for re-authorization before April 1. The Snowe-Rockefeller Cybersecurity Act, which would grant the President the power to disconnect the Internet, is likely to return sometime in 2010. And, with immigration reform considered a top priority for Congress this year, we can expect to see the national identification card scheme REAL ID (or its twin, PASS ID) again soon.
9. Social Networking Privacy: Something's Got To Give
For some, social networking sites are the Internet. Facebook now has over 350 million accounts — roughly the same as the total number of Internet users worldwide a decade ago. That means that the bad guys who were exploiting security weaknesses in the wider Net in the last decade will now turn in force on the bigger networking sites. And by bad guys, we mean everyone from criminals, to unethical data-mining companies, to ISPs who can't resist snooping on that remunerative personal data passing down their pipes, to governments seeking new ways to track their citizens.
Will a major privacy scandal or two fix the social networking sites' casual attitude to their customers' personal data? Will new laws? Or will technologists and increasingly sensitive Net users find a their own way to protect their privacy?
10. Three Strikes: Truth and Consequences
In countries across the globe, the entertainment industry has been pushing for laws requiring ISPs to terminate their users' connection at the whim of the entertainment industry. In 2009, they got their wish — in France and South Korea, at least. This year will see the spin battle over what is actually happening in those countries.
Expect media industry reports describing amazing local declines in filesharing, aimed at policymakers in other nations considering the same. And look out for local press reports from these three strikes ground zeroes, documenting the calamitous consequences of disconnections, the lack of financial return to working artists, and the political blowback for the politicians who championed these unjust laws.
11. Fair Use of Trademarks: Mockery At Risk
Parody and mockery have long been favorite tools for online political expression and activism. But the powerful entities being mocked sometimes lack a sense of humor about the situation. Increasingly, they're turning to trademark law to badger would-be jokers into silence.
Of course, abuse of copyright law, which governs ownership of content, is nothing new. But until recently, we haven't seen as much abuse of trademark law, which governs ownership of names and logos. Fair Use principles, which allow creative re-use of intellectual property, apply to trademarks just as they apply to copyrights. In either case, IP bullies are just as happy to ignore those principles and make bogus legal threats.
Recently, trademark threats have been levied against activists like The Yes Men, who mocked the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. They've targeted, which mocked The New York Times and corporations like DeBeers. They've targeted The South Butt, a clothing line which mocks The North Face. And, only a few days ago, they targeted environmental activist Brian DeSmet for mocking Peabody Energy.
In 2010, expect to see plenty of similar bogus threats. Some of them will lead to litigation, and those battles could in turn lead to important new legal precedents with serious implications for free expression online.
12. Web Browser Privacy: It's Not Just About Cookies Anymore
In the late 1990s, when the conventions for the modern web browser were being determined, certain expectations were established for web browser privacy. Users who wished to take extra measures to protect their privacy could simply choose to de-activate or limit their browser's use of cookies. This would protect them from most of the worst online tracking practices.
And that's how it remained for some time. Or so most web users thought.
As it turns out, corporations seeking to track individuals' use of the web were hard at work developing new and unexpected methods of profiling. For a long time, many of these methods either remained unexamined or were simply performed covertly and hidden from the public. But as we enter 2010, awareness and scrutiny of them is on the rise.
Try browsing the web while using a tool like the Firefox add-on RequestPolicy, and you'll see that many major sites share your web activity with dozens of advertisers and advertising networks. With few technical or legal restrictions on the ability to track you around the web, companies you may never have heard of may have profiles of you which include things about your web use that you don't even remember.
This year the Federal Trade Commission is taking a fresh look at privacy and the use of profiles to target ads based on individuals' behavior on the web. We'll be participating in the process by providing testimony to the FTC, as well as launching our own study of just how easy individual browsers are to track, and how they can be made more privacy-protective.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Padespop = Popsedap = Nice Pop
"I'm fallin LOVE with you (I LOVE YOU) 99x"
That lyric from my favourite band PADESPOP, yeah.. They have a good music.. hmm, I wonderer if they can go international, maybe they can have a lot fans from Swedish or some europe country. They music, for me, very crunchy, crispy and tasty. Like Sayur Asem with Sambel Terasi, very delicious. Nyam, nyam, yummy. Padespop itself have vocalist with 'funny' vocals.
Dewi Permata Sari. Fortunately this woman has a distinctive sound that my ears are very funny. Without comparing with vocalist Amazing in Bed 'Maya'. Yeah of course different, AIB right kind of loud music. LoL
Padespop are: Dewi a.k.a Bolu (vocal), Sankut (bass player), Caca (keyboard player), Yosi (drum player), and Oji (guitar player).
Download song: Padespop - Song for Someone
Friday, September 24, 2010
My story and swaying rhythm of life
I've never thought to live alone, own house, a job well established, household furnishings, personal vehicles and a pious wife. I'm currently still living with my mom, because my father had died 3 years ago. I can not leave my mother alone, even in my home has my brother too, but I cannot trust him. Indeed, my brother already works and he's preparing himself for the level of marriage. But he's thinking still not enough to say in independent living, in my opinion. Just like myself. Family is my top priority in life, their happiness is my goal. Write it..!!
Some of my friends offered me a job outside the city. But my mom said "no, you let me stay alone..?" heh, my mother is very funny. Indirectly, she wanted to say do not. Language that is very smooth and soft I think. LoL. A few days ago, I was go to my mother's brother house. I put a job application letter to be employed at the hospital. He said, wait a month before to know the outcome. I was quite happy when he sought me to work in place. At least this is my last chance to ask him a job. Musical Experience
First, I was most like to play music at the band. Make a new song and show it to the audience. Death-Metal Music, very familiar with me as I sat in high school. JIMAT, is the name of my band first. I had a gig and I managed to get 3rd place in the best vocalist. Growl / Scream vocals. Many local bands that influence my type of music, like Betrayer, Tengkorak, Purgatory, Dying Fetus, Cannibal Corpse and more. But as traveling musician, I stopped because one member of the band that's playing bass we had committed suicide. Though he still junior high, very pathetic he is. I do not know why, just skip it.
After my third class in high school, I then formed a new band. An impromptu band because my school will hold a stage art. The Jack All, or a Spirit of Youth in the end be our band name. My music has changed direction, first admirer of Death-Metal, now turned into Hard Core Old School inspired by foreign bands like Gorilla Biscuits, Warzone, upfront, Cause for Alarm, Minor Threat, and several other local bands.
After the show finished art stage then our band was finished already. We graduated from school and start a new life, new phases and new thinking. And this phase is the most recent phase of my life. lecture phase .. continued
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Pikiranku tak bisa ku pahami - My mind, I can not understand
The S.I.G.I.T - Midnight Mosque Song
Songs inspire my life every day. When I woke up, showered, ate and even sex. I always listen to music. Music is a small part of my point of view in looking at all things, social life, lifestyle, humanity, even movements. A few days ago I saw one of my fans to twitter. She admires a woman / actrees / talented musicians. Named Zooey Deschanel.
Zooey very funny face, she is an instant makes my attention turned away. He must be my featured wife someday. Yeah, it should be. Ehhh, almost similar at least. Few days the people around me have succeeded in making me angry. Pressure, ambition, even the disappointment came. Indeed life is full of problems, humans can never be separated from it. Well, enough for today..
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Selamat Idul Fitri 1431 Hijriah
Indonesia : Selamat Lebaran, Selamat Idul Fitri
Afghanistan : Kochnay Akhtar
Arab : Aid Mubarok
Bangladesh : Rojar Eid
Belanda : Eigendom Mubarak
Bosnia : Ramazanski Bajram
Bulgaria : Pritezhavani Mubarak
Chech : Vlastnictvi Mubarak
Malaysia : Salam Aidilfitri
Kurdishtan : Cejna Remezanê
Mesir : Ed Karim atau Eid Sahid
Perancis : Fete de l’aid
Persia Iran : Eid-e-Sayed Fitr
Polandia : Wlasnosia Mubarak
Portugis : Mubarak propriedade
Urdu India : Choti Eid
Yunani : Aneekoeen Moeemparak
Cina : Guoyou Mubalake
Denmark : Ejet Mubarak
Finladia : Omistama Mubarakiin
Inggris : Happy Eid El Fitr
Israel : Bebe’lanat Mawba’rak
Itali : Proprieta Mubarak
Jepang : Chuuko Mubaraku
Jerman : Besitz Mubarak
Korea : Junggo mubarakeu
Kroasia : Vlasnistvu Mubarak
Nigeria : Sallah
Rumania : Mubarak aflate in proprietatea
Rusia : Prinadlezhashchikh Mubarakj
Senegal : Korite
Spanyol : Mubarak, de propiedad
Swedia : Agda Mubarak
Turki : Ramazan Bayrami
CarbonDioxide Absorber Plant
Plants are absorbing carbon dioxide (CO2) in air. Even some of the plants was very good, has a great ability to absorb carbon dioxide (CO2). Tamarind tree (Samanea Saman), and Cassia (Cassia sp) is one example of the ability of plants to absorb CO2 is very large to reach thousands of kg / year. As we know, plants do photosynthetic to form substances needed food or energy crops. In photosynthesis, the plants absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) and water which was then in the fox into glucose and oxygen with the help of sunlight. All these processes take place in the chlorophyll. The ability of plants as an absorber of carbon dioxide will vary.
Many factors affect the absorption of carbon dioxide. Among them is determined by the quality of chlorophyll. Quality is determined based on more or less chlorophyll, magnesium, which became the core of chlorophyll. The greater the level of magnesium, the leaves will be dark green. Absorption of carbon dioxide a tree is also determined by the total area of leaves, leaf age and plant growth phase. In addition, trees are flowering and fruiting have a higher photosynthetic capacity to be able as a better absorber of carbon dioxide. Other factors also determine the absorption of carbon dioxide is the temperature, and sunlight, water availability.
CarbonDioxide Absorber Plant, Trembesi/Ki Hujan/Samanea.
Is Endes N. Dahlan, a lecturer in the Faculty of Forestry, Bogor Agricultural University who conducts research on carbon dioxide absorption, various kinds of trees. Research conducted in 2007-2008 shows that the Trembesi (Samanea Saman) proved to absorb the most carbon dioxide. Trembesi can absorb carbon dioxide 28488.39 kg within a year.
Tree List Absorber Carbon dioxide. Here is a list of plants that have a high absorption of carbon dioxide based on research Endes N. Dahlan. (No, a tree, latin name, absorption).
1. Trembesi, Samanea summons, 28488.39 kg / year
2. Cassia, Cassia sp, 5295.47 kg / year
3. Kenanga, Canangium odoratum, 756.59 kg / year
4. Pingku, Dyxoxylum excelsum, 720.49 kg / year
5. Banyan, Ficus benyamina, 535.90 kg / year
6. Krey umbrella, Fellicium decipiens, 404.83 kg / year
7. Matoa, Pometia pinnata, 329.76 kg / year
8. Mahogany, Swettiana mahagoni, 295.73 kg / year
9. Abrus, Adenanthera pavoniana, 221.18 kg / year
10. Lagerstroemia, Lagerstroemia speciosa, 160.14 kg / year
11. Teak, Tectona grandis, 135.27 kg / year
12. Jackfruit, Arthocarpus heterophyllus, 126.51 kg / year
13. Johar, Cassia grandis, 116.25 kg / year
14. Soursop, Annona muricata, 75.29 kg / year
15. Puspa, Schima wallichii, 63.31 kg / year
16. Acacia, Acacia auriculiformis, 48.68 kg / year
17. Flamboyant, Delonix regia, 42.20 kg / year
18. Chrysophyllum Kecik, Maniilkara kauki, 36.19 kg / year
19. Cape, Mimusops elengi, 34.29 kg / year
20. Peacock flower, Caesalpinia pulcherrima, 30.95 kg / year
21. Perfect, Dilenia retusa, 24.24 kg / year
22. Khaya, Khaya anthotheca, 21.90 kg / year
23. Merbau beach, Intsia bijuga, 19.25 kg / year
24. Acacia, Acacia mangium, 15.19 kg / year
25. Angsana, Pterocarpus indicus, 11.12 kg / year
26. Kranji acid, Pithecelobium dulce, 8.48 kg / year
27. Handkerchiefs, Maniltoa grandiflora, 8.26 kg / year
28. Dadap red, Erythrina cristagalli, 4.55 kg / year
29. Rambutan, Nephelium lappaceum, 2.19 kg / year
30. Acid, Tamarindus indica, 1.49 kg / year
31. Kempas, Coompasia excelsa, 0.20 kg / year
Plants are absorbing carbon dioxide based on research conducted by Endes N. Dahlan is published early in 2008. Still have not closed the possibility of other trees that have a carbon dioxide absorption capacity is higher. However, the efforts Endes N. Dahlan was our worthy acungi thumb that makes us able to more accurately select the plants that have extra capacity as an absorber of carbon dioxide in an effort to reduce air pollution and reduce the impact of global warming. Sumber: alamendah
Simple solutions to overcome flooding
I am sure you are also upset and concerned about the condition of roads in Bekasi today that holes and flooding during the rains hit. We'd better act independently in our common effort to solve this problem. Problem that feels and looks complex is actually very simple reason. Bekasi street potholes and bumpy because of the shearing and cracks driven burst of rain water that overflows every time it rains. Rain water overflow because there is no place on the ground surface that can absorb water (because it was mostly a closed building and paving the ground surface).
So what can we do? The solution is also very simple. You just need to make recharge wells wherever possible, such as your own backyard. How made it too simple. Just stay dug. Take a look at the picture below:
Additional explanation about BIOPORI Hole.
"This is one simple solution to add a rain water catchment area in order not to overflow and caused flooding. Also useful to manage our organic waste."
Imagine, how much the volume of water that can absorbed into the ground if each resident of Bekasi to make a hole infiltration and biopori, approximately 2.5 million liters of water! (Assuming the size of the hole diameter of 10 cm and a depth of 1 meter, the volume of one cubic meter is equivalent to 1 liter and residents bandung 8 million people).
Hopefully the flooding problem can be solved by our own awareness. Once aware of the community, just waiting for the mayor to improve awareness and care for the highway.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
BUKBER 2010 dengan ILUSI-8 Bekasi
Alhamdulillah BUKBER2010 kemaren berhasil diadakan. Walaupun dari segi acara kita masiy berantakkan, sama seperti tahun 2008. Tapi dari segi materi kita tidak merugi. Acara yg dilaksanakan tanggal 28 Agustus kemarin memang menjadi jerih payah panitia yg berasal dari angkatan 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2008 dan OSIS eranya Abdul Manan. Dan untungnya masiy dibantu OSIS, klo gak gw gak tau deh tambah berantakkannya tuh acara.
Ceritanya diawali dari pemasangan tenda yg tadinya seharusnya selesai malam hari sebelum acara dimulai, eh taunya pas hari H juga masiy blon kelar.. Parah, bahkan tenda kelar tuh jam 3-4an sore dah, padahal acara seharusnya mulai jam 15.30. Benar2 parah, well kesampingkan hal itu. Yg lebih parah lg anak2 yatimnya udah dateng tapi pengisi acara masiy blon pada hadir.. Pusing laah jadinya, akhirnya acara di handle sama MC deh, dibuat sebagaimana menarik mungkin.
Singkat cerita, semuanya telah terhandle dengan apik secara serabutan. Semua orang multi fungsi tugasnya. Contohnya saya, saat acara sudah berjalan saya masih sempet narikkin duit infaq yg temen2 saya blum bayar. Karena mereka bilang pada mau bayar pada hari-H. Alhasil saya berhasil dapet 750rebuan dari mereka dan dana tersebut langsung saya kasih kebendahara. Beres, tinggal membaur. Saya sempat diajak wawancara sama teman2 media dari Radar Bekasi dan Tabloid Kalimalang. Untuk melihat berita dari Radar Bekasi berikut link'nya.. ---LIHAT---
Isi dari berita yg dimuat pada saat ini (Kamis, 02 September 2010, 02.11) masih belum dibenerin. Harus ada bagian2 yg diralat dari berita tersebut, karena takunya nanti menjadi fitnah dan hilangnya kepercayaan publik. Semoga aja dibenerin.. hehehe..
Acara selesai langsung malamnya kami adakan acara Sahur On The Road, dan berakhir dengan makan Sahur disekolahan. Well, hikmahnya.. semoga dikemudian hari event sejenis terus menjadi lebih bagus dalam hal memanage hal2 yg miss dari BUKBER kemarin. Akhir kata, TERIMA KASIH teman2, kalian memang calon2 penghuni syurga. Amin
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Rafika Duri (for collection only, not for sale)
Rafika Duri - Kekasih.mp3 Download
Rafika Duri - Tiada Kau Sadari.mp3 Download
Rafika Duri - Hati Tertusuk Duri.mp3 Download
Rafika Duri - Hanya Untukmu.mp3 Download
Rafika Duri - Zaal Biru.mp3 Download
Rafika Duri - Tirai.mp3 Download
Rafika Duri - Air mata.mp3 Download
Rafika Duri - Pilar.mp3 Download
Rafika Duri - Untukmu.mp3 Download
Rafika Duri - Telaga Rindu.mp3 Download
Friday, August 13, 2010
ANTISEPTIC 20th Anniversary Gig @MU Cafe 19 Juli 2010
Salah satu band influence gw waktu jaman SMA, artikel ini murni kopas dari situs bukan maksud gw untuk sok2an nulis artikel kek beginian. Tapi artikel ini jadi arsip gw semata. Yang gak suka boleh matiin komputer lu trus tidur deh.. LoL
ANTISEPTIC "20th Anniversary Gig"
Senin, 19 Juli 2010 @ Manchester United cafe - Sarinah, Jakarta
"Hey Man! We're Septicrew!"
“Ketika cucu lo nanti tanya ‘tau ga acara 20 tahun Antiseptic?’, buat mereka yang ngga dateng cuma tau aja. Tapi buat lo yang ada di sini, lu akan bilang ‘I was there!’”, ungkap vokalis Dirty Edge, Ucox yang disambut tepuk tangan para penonton. Bersama ben-nya, saat itu Dirty Edge sedang berpartisipasi dalam anniversary gig ke-20 tahun Antiseptic. Sebuah ben punk hardcore pertama di Indonesia.
Ben-ben pendukung dalam acara tersebut juga tak kalah lawasnya. Sebut saja: Dirty Edge, Ejakula La Vampira, The Sabotage, dan (yang muncul belakangan) Stand Off. Ketiga nama ben awal yang disebut sudah eksis circa '96-'97. Bagi Anda yang baru menyelami scene hardcore punk era millenia (apalagi yang baru lahir kepala '90-an), mungkin nama-nama ben di atas yang disebut kurang familiar.
Maka, wajar bila wajah-wajah tuir yang dominan menghadiri acara reguler The Black Hole yang diselenggarakan di Manchester United cafe, Sarinah (19/07). Beberapa bulan sebelumnya, di tempat yang sama, Black Hole juga sempat menggelar acara charity untuk Rodrigo (basis Dirty Edge) yang terbaring rawat di rumah sakit sejak awal 2010. Walhasil, acara tersebut mampu menggalang dana sebesar 12 juta rupiah untuk donasi keluarga korban.
Bila sesuai jadwal, show Antiseptic harusnya sudah masuk tanggal 20 Juli. Karena live mereka dimulai setelah jam 12 malam. Para pengunjung yang sebelumnya tersibak dalam arena MU langsung merapat satu ke bibir panggung. “Buat yang sering ke Poster (café), tahun 97-98, pasti tau lagu ini”, ungkap Berry. Menyusul lagu ‘The Edge’ membuka repertoar Antiseptic malam itu. Tanpa komando, crowds pun bereaksi melakukan moshing, stage-diving, body-surfing, atau apalah namanya. Semuanya tumpah ruah tak terkendali. Liar!
Sepanjang 20 tahun eksistensi, Anti-septic memang terbilang tidak produktif dalam hal rilisan. Maka, formasi gres: Berry (vokal), Acid (gitar 1), Jhossy (gitar 2), Randy (dram), & Naomi (bas) memberi songlist yang sering dimainkan di setiap panggungnya, a.l.: 'The Edge', 'Politik', 'Brisik', 'Fight Back to Survive', 'Septicrew', dll. Selain membawakan lagu-lagu sendiri, Antiseptic juga mengkover lagu-lagu dari ben legenda, seperti 'Hybrid Moments'-nya Misfits –yang malam itu juga dikover Ejakula La Vampira dengan versi yang berbeda. Lalu, ada kover dari The Dehumanizers, Beastie Boys 'egg raid on mojo', dll.
Setelah memainkan belasan lagu, Jhossy mengambil alih sebagai vokalis saat menyanyikan 'Flower of Romance’, sebuah lagu yang pertama kali Antiseptic ciptakan. Jhossy pula (bersama Randy) sempat mengisi vokal di album Antiseptic pertama, "Finally" (1997) ketika Berry hijrah ke Australia. Pada lagu ini juga menampilkan musisi tamu, Boeloek (vokalis/gitaris Superglad, ex-Waiting Room) yang bermain bas menggantikan Naomi. Sesudahnya, lagu pun dimedley dengan 'Louie, Louie'-nya Black Flag membuat penonton makin membahana bersingalong. "I said now Louie, Louie!/ We gotta go!".
Namun tak disangka kalau formasi itu adalah penampilan penutup Antiseptic. Kalimat "We gotta go!" juga berarti kalau mereka harus pergi, bukan sekedar dendang lagu Black Flag. Repertoar yang berlangsung (sekitar) 35/40 menit terasa begitu cepat –mengingat lagu-lagunya juga berdurasi singkat. Setelah para personilnya berpamitan, acara pun benar-benar berakhir. Encore seperti tak berlaku lagi meski crowds masih merasa dahaga.
Malam pun kian larut, sebagian penonton menyegerakan pulang demi aktifitas esok harinya. Sedang bagi yang belum beranjak, panitia mengundang seluruh orang (personil ben, kru, panitia, penonton, OB, dll) untuk berfoto bersama di atas panggung. Mengabadikan gambar sebagai potret kenangan. Hingga siapapun yang berada di sana, kelak akan berkata kepada cucunya, ‘I was there!’.
(You also can watch their live video" target="_blank" style="text-decoration: none;"> here)
Wawancara dengan Berry, Acid, Randy, Jhossy, Naomi
Jurnallica (J): Hal apa yang bisa membuat Antiseptic bisa bertahan selama 20 tahun?
Berry (B): Hmm, apa ya? Kompak aja kali ya…saling memiliki. Kecintaan kepada musik hardcore punk. Pokoknya kita berusaha ga ngerubah jalur kita. Dan kita semuanya suka dengan apa yang kita jalanin.
J: Sebagai ben lama, apa pandangan kalian dengan generasi punk/hardcore sekarang?
B: Ya fine-fine aja… Sekarang kelihatan lebih rame, lebih banyak ben-nya, lebih banyak hal yang dulu jarang lah. Contoh, kaya majalah ato apa… Ben-ben sekarang tuh lebih cepet bikin album. Ga kaya dulu. Kita aja nunggu 7 tahun buat bikin album. Kalo sekarang setahun bikin ben, tahun depannya punya album. Lebih bagus lah. Lebih kreatif.
J: Kalo rilisan terbaru dari Antiseptic apa aja?
B: Ini kan kita baru dirilis… [“Skate Punx Drunk Core” produksi P.I.G Records/Amerika, 2010-red]. Kita nunggu ini dulu. Insya Allah ya, kalo misalnya menuhin target, akhir 2011 (Antiseptic) tur Amerika-Kanada.
J: Gimana ceritanya kalian bisa sampai dirilis label luar?
B: Jadi, di saat Antiseptic udah dibilang ‘ancur’ lah (tahun 2004)… Nah, di saat itu gue bikin myspace. Maksud gue, supaya ngenaikin lagi Antiseptic lewat media. Gue tulis ben-ben influence gue apa aja… Salah satu dari influence gue ngontak. Dia add gue, kontak gue, trus ngobrol-ngobrol segala macem. Dia kaget, ‘kenapa dia bisa jadi influence gue?’. Karena di Amerikanya bukan ben terkenal. Lama-lama setelah kita ngobrol, records-nya nge-add gue. Dan langsung nawarin, ‘elo mau gue rilis ga?’. Karena, dia tertarik dengan sejarah Antiseptic, musik, & lagu-lagunya.
J: Sekarang ini kan banyak ben-ben muda yang cerdas. Nah, kalo Antiseptic dinilai cuma dibilang ben for fun doang, gimana?
B: Ngga. Antiseptic ‘tu beda. Makanya records luar ngambil kita karena dianggap beda. Dan dia ngga suka dengan musik yang sama. Kalo misalnya musik ben Indonesia sama dengan ben luar, dia ambil yang di luar aja, ngga perlu yang di dalem. Tapi dia ngeliat Antiseptic ‘tu beda.
J: Bedanya gimana?
B: Ya dari musik. Gue ngga ada ngeliat ben Indonesia yang sama Antiseptic. Cuma jeleknya ben-ben sekarang yaitu, satu aliran, semuanya ngikuuuttt. Dan itu ngga spesial buat orang luar. Mau jenis musik apa aja (punk, hardcore, indie, pop). Kalo kita punya ciri, orang akan tertarik sama kita. Tapi kalo cuma sebagai pengekor, itu ngga akan pernah. Buat gue itu ngga akan berkembang. Mungkin akan jadi seperti ‘bubble gum’, pada saat itu ada dan setelah itu dibuang. Makanya, kebanyakan ben cuma setahun, 2 tahun, 3 tahun, bubar.
J: Antiseptic memiliki logo hidran (pipa air). Apa ada filosofinya tentang itu?
B: Gini... Ini Acid gambarin gue [sambil menunjukkan logo pipa air di lengan kiri kaos Antiseptic yang ia kenakan]. Ya ga ‘Cid? Coba cerita ‘Cid...
Acid (A): Gue inget waktu itu kan tongkrongan gue banyak hidran, di Pid Pub daerah Pondok Indah Plaza. Nah, pas waktu gue bikin album “Finally”, kebetulan Berry lagi ke Australi… [langsung dipotong Berry]
B: Ceritanya kurang lengkap… Jadi, hidran itu adalah tempat kita muntah kalo kebanyakan minum. Kalo kita terlalu mabok, hidran itu tempat kita muntah di situ. Ga tau, keren aja kali muntah di hidran. Nah, karena dia (Acid) sering ngeliat gue muntah di hidran, jadi gue itu menyerupai (hidran).
Semua: [tertawa]
A: Sama aja ‘musik jalanan’ lah istilahnya Antiseptic itu. Hidran itu kan lebih indentik di jalanan.
B: Nah, itu alasan pertama. Alasan kedua, hidran itu adalah benda yang gampang ditemukan di jalan. Karena Antiseptic itu ben jalanan. Kita terbentuk di jalanan. Bukan terbentuk di rumah, di klub, ato dimana-mana. Gue kenal anak-anak semua di jalanan. Nongkrong di jalanan. Begadang di jalanan. Ngewe di jalanan. Makanya, gue bilang Antiseptic ‘tu ben jalanan. Walaupun, kita bukan anak jalanan seperti sekarang ini yang megang gitar-gitar kecil. Bukan yang punk-punk gitu ye, tau kan?!
“Antiseptic ‘tu beda. Makanya record luar ngambil kita karena dianggap beda... |
J: Sekarang, berapa umur kalian masing-masing?
B: 34 sampe 36.
J: Nah, gimana kalian membagi waktu antara keluarga, ben, dan lainnya?
B: Selama keluarga support, ga masalah.
A: Waktunya Septic, itulah waktunya anak-anak harus ngumpul.
B: Cuma kita udah berkurang lah, ga seperti dulu. Kalo dulu kan kita tiap hari nongkrong. Jadi sekarang gitu aja, kita tetap solid. Yang penting kita ngga ada pecah-pecahnya di dalam. Di luar sih persetan ya! Orang mau gimana anggapannya segala macem, gapapa. Yang penting kitanya kompak. Saling hargain, saling hormatin, saling sayanglah antara kita. [Berry lantas menambahkan pandangan yang lain]
Kalo gue bilang Antiseptic itu bukan sekedar ben ya… Antiseptic itu movement. Suatu gerakan, suatu generasi baru di Indonesia. Itu harus dicatet. Orang-orang seperti generasi rock dan segala macem harus ngakuin bahwa Antiseptic adalah generasi baru, PUNK! Punk pertama di Indonesia.
Iyalah, sebuah movement. Di luar aja besar, ya ngga?! Di Inggris, bayangin jadi apa Sex Pistols...itu karena punk. Di Amerika, Ramones liat kaya gimana... Mereka dihargain. Di sini doang ga dihargain. Karena mereka ga mau ngerti. Mereka cuma tau rock-hard rock atau segala macem. Mereka ngga tau bahwa ada suatu aliran KEREN yang lahir, yang seharusnya mereka bangga punya aliran itu di negara ini.
J: Seharusnya ada apresiasi ya buat kalian. Nah, bagaimana dengan adanya penghargaan ben-ben cutting-edge/indie yang belum lama ini dibuat oleh segelintir oknum?
B: Ya itu ga masalah. Hak-hak mereka. Gue di jalur hardcore/punk. Di luar pun ga ada penghargaan buat hardcore/punk.
J: Jadi, menurut 'lo hardcore/punk ngga perlu penghargaan seperti itu?
B: Ngga. Di luar (negri) Green Day dapet award, Rancid dapet award, tapi Black Flag ga dapet (award). Sedangkan, ngga ada Rancid kalo ngga ada Black Flag. Black Flag, Minor Threat, Misfits ga dapet awards. Nah, itu beda.
Sama dengan di sini. Jadi, ben-ben yang sekarang masuk kaya begituan (dengan award-award itu) ya yang setaraf sama Green Day di luar. Kita ga termasuk. Kita adalah pelopor yang terlupakanlah oleh mereka, tapi kita ngga terlupakan oleh society kita. Dan gue ga butuh mereka, gue butuh society gue.
J: Di biografi Antiseptic tertulis, ben ini mengeluarkan sesuatu setiap 7 tahun. Apa yang membuat jedanya begitu lama?
Randy (R): Duittt!!! [sambar secara tiba-tiba]
Semua: [tertawa]
B: Sebenarnya itu kaga diniatin, cuman terjadi aja. Terbentuk ’90, album pertama ’97, album kedua 2004. Nah, kebetulan meleset yang cd. Cuman gue bilang, akan terjadi sesuatu di 2011. Mudah-mudahan kita tur Amerika-Kanada. [Amiiin]
J: Trus, ada lagi rencana selain itu?
B: Kita udah dapet tawaran dari records Swedia, dari records Melbourne, trus adalagi ben Amerika ngajak split album. Cuma tau...kita pemales. Makanya, 7 tahun jedanya karena males. [tertawa] Kayanya sih akan terjadi sesuatu di 2011. Gue yakin.
J: Kira-kira sampai kapan kalian akan pertahankan Antiseptic ini?
B: Kalo gue, akan berhenti sebelum umur 40.
A: Gue pribadi sampe tua.
Jhossy (J): Buat gue Antiseptic, from beginning till the end.
Naomi (N): Sampe gue naik haji.
R: Yaa, sampe anak-anak terus, gue terus. Kalo udahan, ya udahan. Udahan bukan berarti Antiseptic bubar lho.
(Juli '10).
Kiri-Kanan: Randy, Jhossy, Bery, Acid (formasi Antiseptic sebelum Naomi gabung)