Huaaaaaaa...!!!! All my heroes die...!!! Fuck off that all Marines, they kill them. As you know, my fav anime are ONEPIECE. Indeed, all government organizations are rotten. they do high-level conspiracy to spend their opponents. Ranging from groups to kill, kill the head of an organization, and even kill the spirit of the people and between groups. In this case, the Marines under the command of the government of the world. Started doing a little sense to destroy the cunning pirates Shirohige. Portgas D. Ace, after being arrested and going to the execution. His Brother Luffy suddenly came to her rescue. After a successful escape from the pole execution, Admiral Akainu went to attack Luffy, but Ace managed to prevent it by protecting her beloved brother with his own body. Finally, one of the "Will of D" have been killed in the hands of Marines.
Not only that, Marshall D. Teach (Blackbeard) the head of the group of pirates Kurohige, defected from the Shicibukai organization went to Impel Down and recruit new members to be his pirate crew. After Blackbeard crew get elected, they immediately want to destroy the pirate groups Shirohige (Whitebeard). Apparently their plan succeeded, and Whitebeard was defeated. Shocking..!!!