Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Andai Aku Jadi GAYUS

Andai gw punya duit banyak kaya GAYUS..
1. Gw beli tanah yg banyak buat petani tanemin cabe, biar gak kekurangan cabe negara ini.
2. Gw beli kapal ikan, buat nelayan2 tradisional, biar nyari ikan banyak.
3. Gw bikin koperasi mandiri, biar pengusaha2 muda bisa buat modal, ngurangin pengangguran.
4. Gw ngerekrut narapidana yg pengen kerja, trus gw buatin yayasan keamanan. Kasian, gak punya SKKB gakbisa kerja mereka.
5. Gw bikin rumah panti bwt old-pap/mam yg dihari tuanya dibuang, rumah bwt anak2 fakir dijalanan, naungan dan shelter.
6. Gw bikin tmpat kursus/institute bwt calon hacker, biar bangsa ini gak cupu2 amat.
7. Gw beli bus2 yg trayeknya dicabut sama busway, trus gw modif, trus gw jadiin bus sekolah.
8. Gw bikin stasiun tivi pendidikan, khusus pelajar, no iklan, no infotainment dan no criminal.
9. Gw beli motor yg banyak trus gw bikin ojeg, gw kasi ke tukang2 becak dibekasi. Kasian, makin sedikit tarikkannya.
10. Gw beli tanah trus gw bikin taman, sport center, lapangan bola, tmpat bermain, dan semuanya free..!!!
11. Hmmmm, udah dulu ya ngayalnya, mau nganterin nyokap gawe dulu.. Daaagh..!!

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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Between ages, weather, and people hope.

Ages, there's a point of view if we look life from that edge. Ages that people have are growth more and more. People think about life, should more mature I guess. But there's some people not growth, they just stuck in some point. Same as I do right now. Wait and just wait, until I know it my age has no young anymore.
Weather, get more cold here. I had it some, bad cold influenza. Damn, great weather hah lads. Let me tell you something, this weather comes from people of Indonesian heart. More they angry more cold the weather comes. Hhaha, don't make sense afterall. Just skip it..
People hope, many peoples I meet at new year celebration they got prayer. For a better living, a new job, new car, new house even new wife I guess. I forget to get prayer or letter to God. Actually if I pray, I just ask Allah SWT to take care my mother health and keep my father rest well with all blessed peoples. I think, just prayer from good son like me, Allah SWT will send the message for him. That, I miss you dad. Sleep well there. See you at Masyar/mazhar field. And its midnight, time to sleep lads. Bismillah
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Monday, January 3, 2011

New Year Vacation, Fishing..

Happy New Year everybody.. 2011, this gonna be my year.. Yeah, I feel something different. Maybe I should make a new resolution for this freakin' weeks. Just skip that first, I will tell you a story..
Before new year eve, me and my friends goes to Sukabumi, we stay at doddy's house at Cibadak, we've got fish there, fishing be a main activities rather than eating even sleeping. Fishing is very2 waste timing activities, but.. Whooalaa, I've got a many fish here.. Hmmm, we gonna cook that fish.
And everybodys like fish, except Benny.. He did not like fish actually.. Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone

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