Saturday, January 16, 2010

Up Front - a band history 'for me'

"Try: wi dengerin dech band ini, suer enak banget, kita bawain yuk pas pensi nanti". The words of my friend 'Try' while introducing this exciting band in the mid-year 2001. Credits to Try is Struggle.

Spirit album. Once was a cassette, tape recorded several times.

After listening to the songs in the Spirit album, my friend try selecting Second Thoughts into songs that we will offer at Pensi later. When pensi, my band is called JACK'ALL at that time brought two songs. First Free at Last from Warzone, many of our friends sing along and moshing in the arena stage. As with the first song, at Second Thoughts begin much cheering from other friends who greatly admired the music of this kind at the time. Truly an irreplaceable experience. Even though our band is not so well known and I am a loser, but I'm proud of what my first experience and my friends do. Because it was positive things..

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Friday, January 15, 2010

Remember This..?

hhahahahaha... @Musro 2003 first debute lads.. unforgettable experience.. clap your hands..

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Bandung Jump

Last Wednesday, Me and my friend made a trip to Bandung West Java. At first, I just want to buy levis fabric materials for my pants, but our journey yesterday's, to window shopping only. Hhahaha, we, the five men, made a trip to Bandung only for travel that should be done by women. Why..? Because our girlfriends are busy with their business..

(Left-Right: Benny, Me, Bob and Kris) Me and Benny Enjoy The Durian Ice Cream.. @Bob-Kris Enjoy Fried Mushroom.

This picture was taken at Braga street when we go home, stop by just to take pictures, do something funny and slightly naughty. (who took pictures Doddy) He did not look at the picture because he took the picture.

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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Picture - Life - Live - Act - History

These are some photos that you have to refer to.. Some of these photos are part of my life's journey.. Enjoy Lads..!!

This picture i've got from somebody blog, i'll forget the address.. Sori bro..

I was the leader of this gang.. then, who wants to find a problem with me..? hhahaha.. kiddin broww..

The Wartels.. Miss you all.. You remember..? First, we always walk together.. Together against the sun.. Promise to be together through thick and thin.. But now..? hhahaha.. I was too mellow.. Screw that feeling..

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Fred Perry (old or new)

Fred Perry, one of the original English brand of clothes that are easy bother I got. Yesterday, I came to one of the factory outlet in bandung west Java. I was there to see the clothes Fred Perry, a wide range of prices. From the price 100K until 200K. but there was that made me curious. Some of Fred Perry clothing is made from Chile and Cuba .. Woww .. Very surprising. I think it was made in English .. (dumb question)..

See, I take a picture ..!! In fact, there are writings outside the store ' is forbidden to take pictures ' hhahahaha .. Whatever ...!!

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Road Trip to Central Java (Magelang-Boyolali-Jogjakarta)

These are some photos of our trip when we went to Central Java. There are some places that we pass to take pictures there. Among other things, areas near Kopeng Magelang. Natural atmosphere is very cold there and very natural. As far as the eye can see we are only presented by the mountains that's like locking us there. Hills and vast stretches of stunning mountains. My advice to all young men and women of Indonesia, all of you should try to run trips to remote areas. Because there will be a scene's there that you never imagined before. Awesome ..!!

My friends, Aji Bandot & Deecky..

I call this area, KopengHaggen..


There is The Montains.. Merapi, Merbabu and ???... I forget.. LoL.. or this..? ahh..

Huge 'Pohon Beringin - Banyan Tree' @ Boyolali, Central Java.

@Klaten, Central Java. Paddy Fields.

Gathering @Jogjakarta-Central Java.

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Anak2 paling putih hidup..!!! Gosh..!!!

The Whitest Boy Alive adalah grup musik yang berasal dari Berlin, Jerman. Terdiri dari Erlend Øye sebagai vokalis dan gitaris, Marcin Öz sebagai bassis, Sebastian Maschat sebagai penabuh drum, Daniel Nentwig pada organ. Masing-masing anggota memiliki latar belakang musik electronica. Tidak dipungkiri musik mereka kental akan nuansa electronica walaupun dimainkan dengan menggunakan alat musik biasa.

Pada tahun 2003, Erlend Øye memulai sebuah proyek musik electronic dance di Berlin. Namun, perlahan-lahan membentuk sebuah grup musik electronica tanpa elemen-elemen pemrograman musik di musiknya. Tahun 2006, mereka menghasilkan album yang bertajuk Dreams. Album ini direkam secara langsung di dalam studio tanpa menggunakan metode shift track. Mereka membentuk perusahaan rekaman yang diberi nama Bubbles untuk mengakomodir album mereka. Album ini juga beredar di Indonesia dengan didistribusikan oleh Aksara Records. Tahun 2009, mereka menerbitkan album mereka yang kedua berjudul Rules, pada bulan Maret. Namun pada bulan Januari, album ini telah beredar secara ilegal di internet.

Ada sebuah grup band di Indonesia yang sounds'nya mirip2 TWBA.. Mau tau..? The Modest.

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Monday, January 11, 2010

Facebook Virus = KoobFace

“Britney Spears is watching you through Facebook webcam!” “You look just awesome in this new movie!”

Itu adalah beberapa kata2 yang nongol disaat para hackers sedang mencoba meng'hack account facebook anda dengan menginstall virus facebook yang diberi nama 'koobface'. Sekali anda meng'klik pesan tadi, anda akan dibawa ke halaman yang isinya meminta anda untuk meng'upgrade Flash Player sebelum video Britney Sprears itu bisa anda saksikan. Didalam url/link yang anda klik tadi telah disusupi sebuah virus dalam format “flash_player.exe” file.

Beberapa tindakan pencegahan yang harus anda lakukan untuk menghindari hal-hal seperti itu terjadi:

* Jika ada link atau pesan yang tampaknya aneh, jangan klik itu.
* Berhati-hati di mana Anda memasukkan password/sandi Anda.
* Laporkan setiap ada spam atau penyalahgunaan yang Anda lihat pada papan diskusi dan Walls.
* Jangan menggunakan password yang sama di Facebook yang Anda gunakan di tempat lain di web.
* Jangan berikan kata sandi Anda dengan siapa pun.
* Jangan klik link atau membuka lampiran dalam email yang mencurigakan.
* Tambah pertanyaan keamanan.

Semoga bisa membantu. Translate from

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