Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Dimiria Hapsari, dimanakah kini..?

Album Dimi ini merupakan sebuah album yang bisa dibilang unique collaboration, kenapa..?? karena di album ini Dimi ada berduet bareng Eric Benet yang mantan suami dari Haley Barry, dan juga pernah menjadi nomintaro Grammy Award. Dan juga ada salah satu lagu di album itu yang diciptakan Dimi bareng Vikter Duplaix yang juga seorang musisi jazz kelas dunia. Vikter meninggalkan lagu ini dalam keadaan mentah dikarena dia tidak punya banyak waktu di Indonesia dan hal ini menyebabkan Dimi harus extra kerja keras untuk menyelesaikan lagu ini. “This was the first time that I was forced to be confident and brave enough to co-produce this song with someone like Vikter Duplaix,” tegas Dimi.
Dimiria Hapsari yang pernah mengikuti kontes Asia Bagus ini memang pantas berkarier solo. Karakter suaranya yang jazzy ditambah dengan sejumlah prestasi yang diraihnya, ia pun percaya diri untuk keluar dari band yang sedang naik daun, Maliq D’Essentials.
Meski pernah ditolak oleh produser ketika hendak merilis album pada 2005, Dimi tidak patah arang. Kali ini bersama Warner Music Indonesia Dimi mewujudkan impiannya itu. Album ini terdiri dari 12 lagu dengan 3 lagu andalan.
Proses mixing album ini dilakukan oleh Denny Andriono sementara proses mastering dilakukan oleh Indra Lesmana. Sejumlah nama lain seperti Ali ”the Groove”, titi Sjuman, J-Mono dan Adroitz Music turut membantu produksi ”Yours”.
Lagu Cahaya Cinta adalah hasil kerjasamanya dengan Vikter Duplaix. Pada proses awal lagu ini dikerjakan oleh Vikter, namun dilanjutkan oleh Dimi karena Vikter harus meninggalkan Indonesia. Dimi merasa sangat tertantang untuk menyelesaikan lagu ini dengan baik.
Pengalaman tak terlupakan bagi Dimi adalah lagu Together. Dalam lagu ini ia berkolaborasi dengan Eric Bennet. Sebuah lompatan besar bagi seorang pendatang baru di industri musik Indonesia.
Pengalaman membanggakan lainnya adalah pada lagu Bila Kau Tahu, Dimi menyelesaikan lagu ini sendirian. Selain itu untuk pertama kalinya Dimi juga menjadi co-producer pada album ini. Denger2 Dimi baru saja melahirkan anaknya yang pertama lho.. well, selamat yaa..
Download Full Album: Dimi - Yours (2007)

Definisi Hooliganisme dan Green Street Hooligans (Film tentang supporter sepakbola)

Hooliganisme, mengacu pada perilaku nakal dan merusak. Perilaku seperti ini umumnya terkait dengan para penggemar olahraga, terutama pendukung sepak bola dan olahraga di universitas. Istilah ini juga dapat disebut untuk perilaku pengganggu dan vandalisme, sering di bawah pengaruh alkohol atau obat-obatan.

Awal penggunaan istilah

Istilah hooligan ini telah digunakan setidaknya sejak pertengahan 1890-an, digunakan untuk menggambarkan nama sebuah geng jalanan di London. Kira-kira pada waktu yang sama, geng jalanan Manchester yang dikenal sebagai "Scuttlers" sedang mendapatkan ketenaran. Penggunaan pertama istilah ini tidak diketahui, tapi kata yang pertama muncul di dalam laporan polisi London dan pengadilan di tahun 1894 mengacu pada nama sekelompok pemuda di kawasan Lambeth London. Boys hooligan dan kemudian Boys O'Hooligan. Pada Agustus 1898 sebuah pembunuhan di Lambeth dilakukan oleh anggota geng menarik perhatian pers yang berbasis di London, Daily Grafika menulis dalam artikel pada tanggal 22 Agustus 1898 dengan judul, "The avalanche of brutality which, under the name of ‘Hooliganism’ ... has cast such a dire slur on the social records of South London".

Film tentang Hooligans pertama kali muncul adalah The Firm yang dibintangi Gary Oldman.

Lalu ada juga film Green Street Hooligans yang dibintangi Elijah Wood. Mau nonton filmnya..? Gampang kok. Tinggal Download aja, 700MB-avi. Uploader by Mentor.

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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Thirteen Indonesian Band

Thirteen was founded at the end of year 2006. Raynard, (ex-The Murder Robots) and Bobond (LoveHateLove) meet and share the idea to form a new group with the mission to present unique and innovative music which collide and complement with various metal groups.

It was then Bobond who starts to invite his friends to join the experiment in order to form a new group. Those friends are Echa (The Soul Shoes), Adit (The Soul Shoes), Dicky (ex-Pathetic) dan Rudy (Amakusa).

At the very beginning this new formation was named Devil May Cry but this name is rejected two times by Tom Myspace as the name Devil May Cry has already being used by other group. Therefore all members agree to rename the group to Thirteen.

At the early stage Thirteen was not running smoothly as Raynard was still engaged with his old group The Murder Robots. When Raynard decided to leave The Murder Robots, Thirteen started to roll and began to prove that they are quite serious in their music and started creating something “different” for their own pleasure.

Thirteen presents unconventional music, mostly with metal experiment mixed with unique beats, synth sound, guitar effect, accompanied with growl/scream and soft sound. At this moment Thirteen mostly plays its own compilation and The Devil Wears Prada acts as the cover song.

Thirteen has performed well in several gigs and event in Jakarta. The responses from the audiences are encouraging. Thirteen hopes to be able to continuously create good music with better lyrics, enhanced technical skill, improved stage performance and hopefully this will be achieved with the existing personnel formation.

At this moment Thirteen owns eight songs in the portfolio. The music and lyrics are fully self created and compiled. Many friends, fans and audiences often ask: “What is the style of your group?” Frankly speaking, Thirteen does not know the right answer because in every Thirteen song you will find many music elements such as Metal, Emo, Screamo, Disco, Punk, Jazz, Funk, etc. Thirteen will try not to follow certain music stream because Thirteen is happy to improvise and hope that the music will entertain broader audience. Therefore, we think our Genre may represent a mixed type of Experimental/Progressive/Electro or you can called it Whatevercore.

This is a short story and biodata of Thirteen and its personnel. We always hope that whatever we do in the future will bring benefit to us and also excitement to all who loves our music.

Thank you for your interest on Thirteen.

Download Song: Thirteen - Jakarta Story

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Zero Day

They take the world over one node at a time.
They put the seed in some software and make it shine.
So the dimwitted among us grab tight and install.
Put it right on the wall, and don't notice at all.
That the celebration of a day impends.
I want to note it on the calendar, I ready my pen,
I get ahead of my friends in my haste, I let slip
that the zero day is coming, MC Front still ill equipped.
Boom how it hits you, when it comes
if you're touching on an interface you steady your thumbs
since you might have to jump ship quick, the sting stuns
it isn't designed to destroy, it's just how it runs
and I sing fun songs but this here is a warning
that the exploit's open and it might sound corny
but I give a damn about the state of the Earth
expect a hacker has to wreck it just to teach it what it's worth.

And on the first day, it's already too late...

Press play, prepare as history is made:
"largest hack in one day," all the headlines will say.
All out of time, hear the chime from the buzzer.
Found this bug on my own, no need for a fuzzer.
"It's already too late," spreading as we planned.
No need for the NO OPs, I know just where to land.
Clearing out the registers, with pointers to my functions,
loaded to your memory and writing new instructions.
Braindump i/o, siphoned out the eye holes;
enticed so i'm digging through the disassembled byte code.
Push pop change order stack frame FILO
filesystem inodes, all fall to my flow.
Running over, there again i go:
self-propagation engine, polymorphic sideshow.
Every network, we're found to get around...
the exploit payload encoded in this sound.

Man, cousin, I'm about to put in the work,
assert authority. Administrative access: crack this.
If your patches back in the past, this
0day gets you on a root trip. True crypt.
Key file, I will keystyle shell code,
triple sevens all up on the ch mod.
Shhh mode, how I'm keeping this here,
'cause if I keep my game on tight my 0day lasts another year.
You're a little bit late.
I had that nfsd back in ninety-eight
and the DCOM bomb owned the Zone Alarm
so get your lip balm kitty; NEDM three fitty.
Got them bots in every city with the spamtec committee
and yt the almighty, zero day beats flying. And who's giant?
That's us. With the upstream plus, we're CAN-SPAM compliant.

Yo, when it flips, new world is a permanent state.
Cultivate paranoia 'cause the Huns at the gate
are many millions strong, all arrive in a spate.
YT Crack and Int80 been shipping them freight.
All walls up to date, let them come, you can cope.
Pwn the rug out from under you and sunder your hopes.
Send a no points bulletin out; they're undiscovered.
Eyes to the horizon! Not much longer undercover.

by: McFrontalot

Posted via web from Cyber Storage - Posterous

Thursday, April 22, 2010

2 Kombinasi musik yang enak buat tidur..!!

Homogenic yang tampil dengan dentuman musik electronik yg easy listening kini hadir dengan single terbarunya berjudul Seringan Awan. Nada vokal dengan symphony yg keluar berasa menjadi satu musikalisasi yg hening dan tentram. "disini semua berubah.. walau seribu tanya bicara.. terbungkam oleh pesona.. tak arah semakin jauh kubertahan.. haruskah ku hilang tanpa pesan.. akankah ku rindu semua kesal.. sentuhlaah hatiku.." Kira2 seperti itulah isi lirik dari mereka. Menurut saya kisah tentang seorang gadis yang merindukan sosok pria idamannya, tapi saya kesal ada lirik yang berbunyi "haruskah ku hilang tanpa pesan, akankah ku rindu semua kesal" berarti nih cewek dah disakiti tapi mau lagi disakiti.. ckckckck.. gurls these day.. *no offense

Hollywood Nobody finalis jebolan LA LIGHTS INDIEFEST ini memang semakin hari semakin menunjukkan banyak perbedaan dari jenis musik mereka. Olah vokal yg lebih matang lagi dari sang vokalis yg baru saja (atau dah lama) dikaruniakan seorang bayi. Owwwhh.. well overall these music very recommended for you all folks. Lets hear it..!!

Untuk mendownload lagu mereka, ini saya kasih link'nya:

Hollywood Nobody - Telescope

Homogenic - Seringan Awan

Posted via web from Cyber Storage - Posterous

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Ulasan Tentang Buku "SQL Injection Attacks and Defense"

SQL Injection Serangan dan Pertahanan
Justin Clarke

Pertama, saya ucapan terima kasih untuk Syngress karena telah mengeluarkan buku-buku yang berkualitas tinggi. Sepertinya mereka akan kembali disekitar kita. Skip.

Kedua, saya ucapkan terima kasih kepada penulis yang pada akhirnya menjelaskan tentang SQL Injection dan pemanfaatan OS melalui database dengan cara yang mudah dipahami. Buku sebelumnya telah mencoba dan gagal. Namun buku ini berhasil menjelaskan apa itu SQL Injection, bagaimana tiga bentuk atau Three Forms (Error Based, Union Based, & Blind) dari SQL Injection bekerja, serta kegiatan pasca eksploitasi darii berbagai database.

Berikut adalah apa yang Anda dapatkan didalam buku tersebut:

Chapter 1: What is SQL Injection?
Chapter 2: Testing for SQL Injection
Chapter 3: Reviewing Code for SQL Injection
Chapter 4: Exploiting SQL Injection
Chapter 5: Blind SQL Injection Exploitation
Chapter 6: Exploiting the Operating System
Chapter 7: Advanced Topics
Chapter 8: Code-Level Defenses
Chapter 9: Platform-Level Defenses
Chapter 10: References

Chapter yang paling favorite untuk pemula adalah "Review Code for SQL Injection", "Exploiting SQL Injection", dan "Exploiting the Operating System".

Secara umum saya tidak punya apa-apa untuk mengomentari buku ini, tapi banyak hal-hal yang positif di dalam buku itu. Saya bukan ahli dalam bidang internet security atau semacamnya. Tapi saya adalah orang yang mau belajar akan hal itu. Semoga bisa membantu kalian-kalian yang ingin mengetahui apa itu SQL Injection. Buat pemula sangat dianjurkan membaca buku ini. Regards.

Posted via web from Cyber Storage - Posterous

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Dwi List: 5 Things I Want Right Now..!! (Dreamer mode = On)

1. iPad

Yess, I need this thing to FINISHed/Solved all my problems, very complicated..!!

2. Honda Astrea Grand

Why I need this old looking motorcycle..? Because, this bike ages ago, I modify it unfinished. So, I want to have this bike and start modifying again.. hhehehe

3. Going Merry

Going Merry... I once had a dream to have marine vessels. So, my choice fell to the Going Merry is.. Sail safely.. Arrr Arrr Arrr

4. Samsung LED TV & Nintendo Wii

Combination of these 2 items are amazing.. Full home entertainment. Able to play games and also for sports, because the Nintendo Wii can be used as a tool for indoor sports. Nicee..


The last, yupp own home. later when I earn enough, I'll start saving for a good house. Not only in Pesona Madani.. Amin

Posted via web from Cyber Storage - Posterous

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

My Stuff.. Sell It..!!

I want to sell this PDA, O2 Atom Life. why I want to sell it ..? because, this PDA batteries very quickly exhausted. Very disturbing my performance in using this PDA. I want to sell this PDA with a starting price of 1.2 million. Cardboard there, there is a headset, complete with CD's and a manual books. Who is interested please contact me through YM Messenger. Thank you.

O2 Atom Life Specifications

GENERAL 2G Network GSM 900 / 1800 / 1900
3G Network HSDPA 1900 / 2100
Announced 2007, January
Status Available
SIZE Dimensions 106 x 58 x 18 mm
Weight 145 g
DISPLAY Type TFT resistive touchscreen, 256K colors (65K effective)
Size 240 x 320 pixels, 2.7 inches
  - Handwriting recognition
SOUND Alert types Vibration; Downloadable polyphonic, MP3 ringtones
Speakerphone Yes
MEMORY Phonebook Practically unlimited entries and fields, Photocall
Call records Practically unlimited
Internal 64 MB RAM, 1 GB ROM
Card slot miniSD, buy memory
DATA GPRS Class 10 (4+1/3+2 slots), 32 - 48 kbps
WLAN Wi-Fi 802.11b/g
Bluetooth Yes, v1.2
Infrared port Yes
USB Yes, miniUSB
CAMERA Primary 2 MP, 1600x1200 pixels, LED flash
Video Yes
Secondary VGA videocall camera
FEATURES OS Microsoft Windows Mobile 5.0 PocketPC
CPU Intel XScale PXA 270 620 MHz processor
Messaging SMS, MMS, Email, Instant Messaging
Browser WAP 2.0/xHTML, HTML (PocketIE)
Radio Stereo FM radio with RDS
Games Yes
Colors Silver
Java Yes, MIDP 2.0
  - Pocket Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF viewer) 
- Voice memo
- MP3/AAC player
BATTERY   Standard battery, Li-Po 1530 mAh
Stand-by Up to 200 h
Talk time Up to 4 h

Posted via web from Cyber Storage - Posterous

Monday, April 12, 2010

Pressure.. Struggle.. Movement..

This week, I get a lot of PRESSURE from my mother. My mom wanted me to work at the company where his friend worked there as Manager. My mother began to fidget with my behavior at home. When I'm at home doing things that other people do is very reasonable in general. Maybe my mother saw it as a threat, if my behavior does not change, it will be trouble for her.

Struggle, the STRUGGLE to get money. Currently, I'm signed up profiles on job providers. After looking around, I did not find a job that I was looking for. Fiiuhhh ... I am very time-consuming. Though, I want to help my friend to make a logo, website and banners for her clothing business. I think to do certain types of business. But I do not have the funds to start doing business. Very difficult to find a job / get the revenue in Indonesia. To become a teacher, I have to pay 25 million first. This republic really was corrupt, or all of that has become a culture in my own country. Screw Them ..

If these things continue to happen as long as 2 years into the future .. then .. I have to create a MOVEMENT ..!!! a MOVEMENT, WHICH WILL MAKE YOUR EYES WIDENED EVER ..!!!

Posted via web from Cyber Storage - Posterous

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Saat pertemanan berujung kesumat dan rapalan kutukan. Saat loyalitas hanya omong kosong dan persahabatan hanyalah penetrasi paksa parang pada tulang belakang.

Photo by: noormanhh

Parang dan Tulang Belakang - D'Army 
Demi setiap jaringan neurotik para pemadat yang kasat saat neraka merapat.
Aku menolak menjalani hidup dengan filsafat surga jejadian berbau laknat.
Mengiyakan prinsip pertemanan antara belikat dan belantung penyayat.
Maka aku tak perlu basa-basi mulut kalian wahai para kerabat pencium pantat.
Aku sangat ingat pada kala dan saat, hidup datang dengan taring dan pukat.
Dengan eskalasi kebusukan tai kucing yang lebih besar dari Jalak Harupat.
Aku ingat kala dan saat hari menggelap dan siang membolong ber-gagak hitam.
Kalian datang setengah pitam.
Meminta lebih dari sekedar tempat rehat dan hisapan ganja selilitan.
Terpuruk dari himpitan, saat dan kala kita datang bersama masa di mana.
Mempercayai adalah kata keramat yang lenyap aura entah kemana.
Persis di sore kau datang terlalu cepat dengan nafas rapat.
Bercabang ambigu serupa keyakinan di hadapan krisis iman memilih tuhan, tiga perempat sesat.
Berikrar menjalani hidup yang tak pernah habis dimaki dan tak berujung kau umpat.
Tak lebih dari bubat batin di mana semua lafadz dua mukamu berpusat.
Serupa alkohol yang kau teguk hingga dasar botol di harimu yang tak pernah luput.
Dengan seribu satu alasan dan cerita tentang hidupmu yang tak pernah lurus seperti jembut.
Kala dan saat hari yang menjadikan kami saksi taklimat selangkangan.
Kalimat yang kau ulang, usang busuk menyaingi selokan.
Di setiap belokan, kau di belakang punggung berbisikan.
Lebih berbisa dari mulut seribu pemimpin ormas yang menyulut kebencian.
Saat dedikasi tak lebih dari bualan.
Saat pertemanan berujung kesumat dan rapalan kutukan.
Saat loyalitas hanya omong kosong dan persahabatan hanyalah penetrasi paksa parang pada tulang belakang.

Parang dan tulang belakang.
Serupa omong kosong cenayang.
Yang kau hunus, kau tikam dari belakang.
Serupa laknat berulang.
Parang dan tulang belakang.
Serupa kutukanmu yang kan balik berpulang.
Serupa belatung menghabisi jasad menyisakan tulang.
Serupa laknat berulang.
Manuver musang.
Parang dan tulang belakang.

Teman berkawan berbagi dosa secawan.
Berbagi malam temaram semacam kutukan.
Hiraukan harapan korbankan kesenangan.
Tak peduli awan mendung menghadang.
Terkadang korbankan ikatan sakral meradang.
Kejujuran terlewatkan kebohongan bumbui ikatan.
Terkadang terlewatkan pergi tanpa pesan.
Tak kembali tinggalkan kekecewaan.
Endapkan harapan.
Tanpa pamrih musnahkan.
Teman berkawan jadi candu lebih dari suntikan.
Racuni jiwa kotori darah tanpa vaksin buatan.
Semacam rutan buatan belenggu jiwa sesakan.
Teman berkawan tebarkan aroma dosa sucikan.
Temua siasat akal bulus.
Ikatan pertemanan halalkan.
Lewati almanak buram kalahkan lukisan alam.
Seperti pualam terkadang suram kelam temaram.