Friday, October 28, 2011


Each on 28 October, Indonesian youths celebrate 'oath youth'. Oath called for by the current Indonesian youth of this nation's struggle for independence. but, lately. the values ​​of the oath is already disappearing. why? before that, let me tell what this oath.

First: Our sons and daughters of Indonesia, claimed that a bertumpah darah satu, homeland Indonesia.
Second: Our sons and daughters of Indonesia, admitted that one of the nation, the Indonesian nation.
Third: Our sons and daughters of Indonesia, to uphold the national language, Indonesian.

And while writing this blog, I use a foreign language. Quote :D
Indonesian youth are currently experiencing life crisis-oriented future. Many of them do not get some education of the maximum. Livelihood is not feasible, unemployment, and do not get a chance in expressing opinions and suggestions. Because in this nation, the old who still plays a role. Whether in government, parliament and council candidates for legislative honors. Young people in this nation is not given the opportunity to try out what 'the elderly' sitting now. The struggle of young people in our country also at a minimum. Any protests must be in sterilized first by the security forces. Students are not given permission to do the demonstration, the workers are paid less, and uneven prosperity in every aspect of life. Indeed, this country has been corrupted from its roots.

Let us take an example, Bandung is now increasingly stale by the scent of corporate hegemony, tyranny mayor and fragrant mafia penetration. With high levels of conflict are far below critical areas, you can imagine how my friends in Kulon Progo, Kebumen, Sumbawa, Pati, Blora and other areas of more intense levels of violence officials in Bandung appeal or other large cities . When the center of the city state hegemony intensified sucks, deep into remote areas where even more useless state, which ironically replaced by the corporate position. As the radius of Freeport, Papua, where the police no more than just a security guard may even Boy Scouts. From stories about the people behind the scenes of this republic can adjust the position and the running of the government to tell me what happened on the TV station after the acquisition so obediently followed the mayor's willingness to 'neutralize' the news and cut critical events for the 'atmosphere of the city which conducive ', we can not imagine what could be the victory achieved in times like these. They almost have it all. We will say yes immediately if the conclusion is whether we will never win.

We are going to lose tomorrow. Removed the day after tomorrow. Eliminated next week. Slumped over and over every year. Eaten away at the end of the day compromise. But not today. Probably not, probably never will be. Certainly not today. We still have today to spend, until the time we were really gone. Not today, not for heroic reasons. Just a little fairness when we still want to have a reasonable life expectancy. Naturally that is not in quotes. For the young fellows in the corners. In Kulonprogo, Blora, Pati, Kebumen, Sidoarjo, Deli Serdang, at any time throughout the crisis continued, fanged and justice conflict is almost flush with the horizon.

Credits to: gutterspit

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Thursday, October 20, 2011

Cara Membangkitkan Orang Yang Sudah Mati

Akhirnya saya telah menemukan cara untuk membangkitkan orang yang sudah mati. Yaitu dengan cara, Kuchiyose: Edo Tensei atau Impure World Resurrection, adalah teknik Ninjutsu yang telah dilarang karena sifatnya yang gelap. Teknik ini melibatkan memanggil jiwa mati dari akhirat kembali ke dunia nyata. Biasanya Kuchiyose (memanggil) melibatkan penggunaan katalisator darah sebagai kompensasi untuk memanggil, Edo Tensei berbeda. ninja pertama akan mengorbankan seseorang yang hidup untuk menyediakan tubuh bagi orang yg jiwanya dipanggil sebagai media untuk hidup lagi. Jenazah kemudian akan incased dalam abu dan kotoran menyerupai roh orang yang bangkit. Ketika ninja ingin mengingat jiwa, portal akan terbuka di tanah dan memegang peti mati mayat-mayat akan muncul. Ketika membuka peti mati tubuh akan abu-abu dan dalam keadaan rusak ringan. Pada titik ini jiwa-jiwa orang mati bisa mengingat kehidupan masa lalu mereka, tetapi mereka pada perintah orang yang memanggil mereka. Satu tindakan terakhir akan sepenuhnya menghapus mereka sadar dan membuat mereka di bawah komando orang yang memanggil mereka. ninja akan tempat fuda (pesona / tag) dari beberapa bentuk ke dalam kepala dari tubuh. Hal ini kemudian akan memberi vitalitas kembali ke tubuh dan membuatnya menjadi mesin pembunuh murni. Ketika ada bagian dari mayat rusak, abu dan debu hanya akan kembali dan memperbaiki bagian tubuh yang rusak. Satu-satunya cara saat ini dikenal untuk menghentikan orang dibangkitkan, adalah dengan memanfaatkan teknik Fuujin Shiki dan menghapus jiwa dari tubuh. Sekian :p

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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Livestock Virus Ramnit Watermark.exe

Starting from the act of my friends named 'Abol'. While stay at night, he secretly turned on my computer and download some games and his favorite porn video. As a result, he simply download a virus that originally I know named, W32.Ramnit! Html. And it turns out that computer viruses, it turns out there is a relationship with Watermark.exe virus. At first I was angry with his ​​act, but what could I do ..? The viruses infect files .exe, html, dll, etc. And anti-virus my friend, Aji recommend it not functioning properly. As a result, I tried to clean up after herself. After googling a while, I found the tools from pcmedia named 'RamnitKiller' and it's a normal scanner. Even make my computer totally dead. : (

I do not give up and decided to reinstall my computer. After the installation process is quite long, my computer is finally clean again. Although have to sacrifice some files that were deleted. But what happens ..??? watermark.exe virus was still stored in C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ .... WTF. Finally, I was googling again to find other ways to eradicate the virus, and found a solution. Here we go..!!
essentially remove WaterMark.exe then replaced WaterMark.exe folder in C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft \ ...
The steps are:
1. Open Task Manager by right-clicking on the Taskbar
2. On the Processes tab look for Image Name "scvhost.exe" the User Name was not the LOCAL SERVICES, NETWORK SERVICE or SYSTEM, so that run our pc scvhost last name - if you see click the End Process button - let it remain on the Task Manager
3. Start - Run - cmd - Enter
4. Type: cd\ - Enter up to drive to stay C:\
5. Type in: del watermark.exe /a /s - Enter
6. Go to the folder C:\Program Files\Microsoft by typing: cd program files\microsoft - Enter
7. To ensure WaterMark.exe was not in the folder C:\Program Files\Microsoft, type: dir /a
8. WaterMark.exe Create a folder by typing: md WaterMark.exe - Enter
9. Go to the folder C:\Program Files\Microsoft\WaterMark.exe by typing: cd watermark.exe,
10. Make con folder (the folder can not be removed) by typing: md con\\
11. To ensure the existing con folder in the folder C:\Program Files\Microsoft\WaterMark.exe, type: dir /a
12. With the WaterMark.exe folder, the virus does not exist to walk, plus there are con folder in it.
13. Restart Windows - see the folder C:\Program Files\Microsoft\ ... whether it contains WaterMark.exe or WaterMark.exe folder... if I was still in place despite WaterMark.exe folder pc restarted several times, means success for now.
14. Open the Registry Editor, START - RUN, then type "regedit" and press enter.
15. In the Registry editor, Find "Userinit" in [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon], drag the scroll bar at the bottom of it... because userinit below.
16. Click 2 times on the "Userinit" it, see its data value "c:\ windows\system32\userinit.exe, c:\program files\microsoft\WaterMark.exe" replace with "c:\windows\system32\userinit.exe "or delete text behind the text.
17. Refresh Registry Editor, and then see if userinitnya changed again or not?
18. If the value data of this userinit means the virus has not changed... WaterMark.exe defunct since been replaced with a folder watermark.exe.
Finally install Deep Freeze... The best solution for personal computer who not connected to the Internet. source

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Radio Dept. - Your Father


The fire caught us burning with desire to get out in the open
My daddy had a camera and he caught a few moments to
show them
The fire took us higher
We were hoping to expire when you came in
With water

We were only kids when we first laid eyes on eachother
Everything was great but you should have warned me about
your father
At first he took the crap
But I soon learned not to even bother
With your father

Now that you're away I'm jerking off every day to your
You finding someone else was a real blow
Who will defend me?
I'm drinking every day but try to behave the same way I did
But it's hard
It's oh so hard

"hahaha, lagunya mengingatkan gw akan kandasnya hubungan percintaan gw jaman dulu sama seseorang.. tapi bukan bapaknya yang buat ulah. Melainkan ibunya.. hahaha.."

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Gangguan Lambung Bernama GERD (Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease)


Pasien bertanya:

#. Selamat pagi, Dok, saya memiliki masalah dengan lambung. Sudah diperiksa dan didiagnosis GERD. Berikut keluhan yang saya rasakan : Kembung hingga perut membesar dan keras. Saat kembung dan bernafas, saya merasa tidak ada oksigen yang masuk, sehingga harus dipancing dengan menguap. Jika terjadi dalam durasi yag cukup lama, menyebabkan area hidung dan pipi kesemutan. Tiba-tiba sering seperti bersendawa sendiri berbarengan dengan cairan berbusa yang naik hingga ke mulut dan saya keluarkan. Setiap pagi saat menggosok gigi dan lidah, muntah yang keluar terasa asam dan pahit dan berwarna kuning, kadang disertai dengan bercak darah. Jadwal menstruasi saya sangat kacau. Bisa berjarak 2 – 4 bulan. Saat menstruasi perut sangat sakit hingga saya sering mengkonsumsi painkiller (hanya jika merasa sangat sakit). Tensi darah saya selalu kisaran 90/60 mmHg.
#. Sejauh ini, saya mendapatkan obat: Prosogan, Regit, dan Gasflat. Apakah obat yang diberikan sudah tepat? Boleh tolong dijelaskan fungsi dari masing-masing obat tersebut? Apakah betul GERD seperti itu? Jika ya, apakah solusinya? Jika bukan GERD, lalu apakah jenis penyakit itu? Terima kasih Dok…

Dokter menjawab:
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) merupakan penyakit saluran pencernaan menahun yang terjadi jika asam lambung atau empedu naik atau membalik (refluks) ke kerongkongan. Sebenarnya, GERD dapat juga merupakan fenomena fisiologis normal yang dialami sebagian besar orang terutama setelah makan. Bila hal ini terjadi lebih dari 2x seminggu, atau mengganggu aktivitas harian Anda, maka dokter akan mendiagnosis GERD. Beberapa orang sembuh sendiri, namun lebih banyak yang perlu obat, bahkan pembedahan (sesuai indikasi) untuk mengurangi gejala.
#. Tanda dan Gejala:
1. Nyeri dada atau epigastrium yang menjalar ke atas, ke belakang, lalu ke leher.
2. Produksi ludah atau air liur berlebihan.
3. Sensasi atau rasa terbakar/amat nyeri di dada (heartburn), terkadang menyebar ke kerongkongan, diiringi rasa asam atau kecut    dimulut.Sekitar 7% populasi mengalami heartburn setiap hari.
4. Sulit untuk menelan (dysphagia).
5. Sakit untuk menelan (odinophagia).
6. Batuk atau batuk kering.
7. Sesak nafas seperti asma.
8. Suara serak atau parau.
9. Rasa sakit di tenggorokan.
10. Radang tenggorokan (laringitis).
11. Membaliknya (regurgitation) cairan asam atau makanan.
12. Tenggorokan serasa tersumbat atau terganjal benda asing.
Bila sudah disertai nafas pendek dan nyeri di lengan, segeralah pergi ke dokter atau RS terdekat, sebab ini merupakan gejala dini serangan jantung (heart attack) yang dapat menyebabkan kematian. Penyebab pasti belum diketahui. Diduga karena seringnya cairan asam lambung (atau terkadang empedu) membalik ke esophagus.

Faktor resiko:
Beberapa kondisi yang meningkatkan risiko terkena GERD, antara lain:
1. Asma
2. Diabetes
3. Obesitas (kegemukan)
4. Kehamilan
5. Merokok
6. Mulut atau bibir kering
7. Tertundanya pengosongan lambung

Pemeriksaan Penunjang:
Beberapa prosedur berikut ini dilakukan oleh dokter atau gastroenterologist untuk menegakkan diagnosis GERD:
1. Tes supresi asam atau proton pump inhibitor test.
2. Tes perkusi Bernstein.
3. Endoskopi.
4. Monitoring dan evaluasi pH esofagus 24 jam.
5. X-ray sistem pencernaan bagian atas.
6. Tes untuk mengukur pergerakan dan tekanan di esofagus, yang disebut: esophageal impedance.
7. Bila tersedia fasilitas, dapat dilakukan: barium esophagogram, esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD), atau esophageal manometry atas indikasi.

1. Turunkan berat badan.
2. Longgarkan pakaian.
3. Tidur dalam posisi setengah duduk dan tunggulah hingga perut kosong. Jangan tidur langsung setelah makan. Bila akan tidur setelah makan, maka tunggulah setelah 2-3 jam.
4. Hindari rokok, kopi, coklat, alkohol, pedas, lemak, mint, bawang putih, bawang merah, makanan yang digoreng.
5. Hindari kafein dan teofilin.
6. Jangan mengobati atau membeli obat sendiri.
7. Segeralah menghubungi dokter kembali bila obat habis namun belum sembuh.

Beberapa pilihan obat untuk mengendalikan sensasi terbakar atau nyeri di dada (heartburn):
Antacid yang menetralkan asam lambung. Efek samping dari penggunaan antacid yang berlebihan adalah diare (mencret) atau konstipasi (sulit buang air besar). Terapi untuk mengurangi produksi asam, yang disebut H-2-receptor blockers, misalnya: cimetidine, famotidine, nizatidine, atau ranitidine. Terapi untuk menghalangi produksi asam dan menyembuhkan kerongkongan, yang disebut proton pump inhibitors. Kerjanya adalah menghambat produksi asam dan memberikan waktu kepada jaringan kerongkongan yang rusak untuk pulih. Misalnya: lansoprazole, omeprazole, esomeprazole, pantoprazole, dan rabeprazole. sumber

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IND - QTR Asia Zone Qualifier

The game is pretty fun presented by Indonesia and Qatar national team on 11 October 2011 yesterday. In the match yesterday, the two national teams showed their class. Asian zone qualifier is very hard in this game and strategy. Tough game shown by Indonesian national team from the beginning of this qualification. Finally, we lost to Qatar with a score of 2-3. The match yesterday, very few supporters of Indonesian teams. Because, they are no longer sees the spirit of the national team suffered defeat in each game. But it should be, a true supporter should always support our national team. Win or lose, the true supporters must dare to accept it and were mostly people of Indonesia are just learning to become supporters have not been able to live it. Be brave and though to supports sportsmanship. It can only be on call. INDONESIAN supporter, yes We Are..!!! IN-DO-NE-SIA..!!!

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Friday, October 7, 2011

Story of The Year, 6 Oct' 11

Hhhahaha, SOTY concert last night was less impressive to me. Why? Because there are still many things that are less memorable festive, boisterous, and joy. There's just no two booths, and they only sell merchandise shirts and products locally shirts. I guess there are food booths and games, in fact, I miss it. My guess.. :D Location of the concert was held at the plaza south Senayan. An ordinary parking lot in stage magic into chaos there. A very good strategy to make the concert organizers. Stage is minimalist and security that only one layer.

Zehahaha, who sound quality is different from other concerts.. cracked.. many flaws in the sound, and there is no MC. Deserve the audience was silent and shout. Organizers were shortcomings in that regard. If you ask me, "someone new" in the Event Orginazer, zehahahaha.. If there is a 'cherrybelle' there, definitely more the merrier: D

Who cares with my review. I also do not expect any single person who read my review of this. FUCK Them..!!

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