Friday, October 28, 2011


Each on 28 October, Indonesian youths celebrate 'oath youth'. Oath called for by the current Indonesian youth of this nation's struggle for independence. but, lately. the values ​​of the oath is already disappearing. why? before that, let me tell what this oath.

First: Our sons and daughters of Indonesia, claimed that a bertumpah darah satu, homeland Indonesia.
Second: Our sons and daughters of Indonesia, admitted that one of the nation, the Indonesian nation.
Third: Our sons and daughters of Indonesia, to uphold the national language, Indonesian.

And while writing this blog, I use a foreign language. Quote :D
Indonesian youth are currently experiencing life crisis-oriented future. Many of them do not get some education of the maximum. Livelihood is not feasible, unemployment, and do not get a chance in expressing opinions and suggestions. Because in this nation, the old who still plays a role. Whether in government, parliament and council candidates for legislative honors. Young people in this nation is not given the opportunity to try out what 'the elderly' sitting now. The struggle of young people in our country also at a minimum. Any protests must be in sterilized first by the security forces. Students are not given permission to do the demonstration, the workers are paid less, and uneven prosperity in every aspect of life. Indeed, this country has been corrupted from its roots.

Let us take an example, Bandung is now increasingly stale by the scent of corporate hegemony, tyranny mayor and fragrant mafia penetration. With high levels of conflict are far below critical areas, you can imagine how my friends in Kulon Progo, Kebumen, Sumbawa, Pati, Blora and other areas of more intense levels of violence officials in Bandung appeal or other large cities . When the center of the city state hegemony intensified sucks, deep into remote areas where even more useless state, which ironically replaced by the corporate position. As the radius of Freeport, Papua, where the police no more than just a security guard may even Boy Scouts. From stories about the people behind the scenes of this republic can adjust the position and the running of the government to tell me what happened on the TV station after the acquisition so obediently followed the mayor's willingness to 'neutralize' the news and cut critical events for the 'atmosphere of the city which conducive ', we can not imagine what could be the victory achieved in times like these. They almost have it all. We will say yes immediately if the conclusion is whether we will never win.

We are going to lose tomorrow. Removed the day after tomorrow. Eliminated next week. Slumped over and over every year. Eaten away at the end of the day compromise. But not today. Probably not, probably never will be. Certainly not today. We still have today to spend, until the time we were really gone. Not today, not for heroic reasons. Just a little fairness when we still want to have a reasonable life expectancy. Naturally that is not in quotes. For the young fellows in the corners. In Kulonprogo, Blora, Pati, Kebumen, Sidoarjo, Deli Serdang, at any time throughout the crisis continued, fanged and justice conflict is almost flush with the horizon.

Credits to: gutterspit

Posted via email from Cyber Storage - Posterous

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