Friday, January 27, 2012

Waste budget, mirrors the failure of democracy..!!

Multi dimensional problems began hunger and malnutrition, poverty, destitution, flood, etc. Was whack people and bring misery and disaster for them. One small example, in Lebak district of Banten, there are 22 bridges are very important for people damaged by floods. Including bridges 'Indiana Jones' on the river that connects the village Ciberang Ciwaru, the village of Tanjung district Sangiang Kalanganyar the village of Tanjung Pasir village Cikaray Rangkasbitung district. On this bridge, school children go to school when I got home and has to cross a river by swinging suspension bridge climbing the sloping. (bad english) can be seen the news from here..!!
Ironically, in the midst of society ridden a variety of problems that, to our budget extravagance exhibited in various institutions of this country and even competing to impress them in luxury. That fact was very hurt feelings of the people and harassing conscience of humanity.
Waste of public money.
Waste of public money is not the monopoly of a particular agency or institution. waste that occurs in various institutions in both the executive, legislative or judicial branches. For example the House of Representatives recently revealed the existence of a variety of fantastic projects. Among them: Renovation Budget Agency meeting space Rp. 20.3 billion, toilet renovation. Rp. 2 billion, finger print Rp. 4 billion, etc.. While in government circles there are also many indications that the budget wasteful and ineffective. FITRA data shows, the State Secretariat budget in 2012 reached Rp. 80.4 billion. In fact, in 2011 only Rp. 8.8 billion. (See,
Causes and Modes.
One of the reasons that the fundamental political system of democracy is costly. The politicians need a huge cost, reach billions per person, to finance the political process. The funds can come from its own funds or from the capitalist barons. As a result the politicians use all means to return capital to himself and cukongnya, plus benefits. Among the mode, direct facilities such as facility visits and the like. Or through projects that odd amount of the budget, type of project or process. Projects that were mentioned could be included this mode.
All of that is getting worse by the hedonistic desire to self politisa and state officials. While still in office, they use the facility as comfortable and as luxurious as possible. Perhaps that is captured from the budget supplement bsia stamina enhancer for the House of Representatives which reached Rp. 800 million, or renovation of indoor Budget Agency, and the renovation and procurement of furniture in the Supreme Court which reached Rp. 11 billion. More fundamentally, it reflects the thinness of the faith and piety in themselves. They no longer remembered the hereafter. The world has become their goal. (Da'wah Bulletin Al-Islam 591)

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